Avoid Cannabis If You Have Bipolar Disorder | Patient Opinion

In this episode, I discuss my opinion on avoiding cannabis use in Bipolar Disorder. My book is now available! It discusses my …


  1. Thank you for sharing. You're a brave man and we need more like you today, it's very important as Ai will be disrupting society so much in the coming years.

  2. Thank you so much for sharing. I recently quit cannabis (<2 weeks ago) cold turkey, after 10 years of nonstop use, after I saw how it really was fueling my manic episodes (which I didn't even realize were manic, but after reflecting on my thoughts/desires/loss of friendships & jobs & other habits…yeah… not good). I've also noticed that my recovery time in this depressive period has improved a lot since quitting cannabis. So I'm hoping that getting rid of cannabis will resolve the problem entirely, and I really do feel it will. For some reason I don't want to take medications, but only time will tell if I need to, I guess. Thanks for sharing!

  3. Have not smoked for a while, but ive noticed that indica strains have helped when im on a upwards cycle but sativa is worse than if i had done speed or Coke

  4. I don’t know if I’m bipolar but when I smoke cannabis occasionally I act much different and can’t control what I say and seem so say very strange things that I wouldn’t if I wasn’t high and get super paranoid

  5. I got diagnosed but cannabis has stopped my mania same with LSD, I have no clue but I have HPPD and it helps my depression it keeps me stable I dont know how but it works 😅

  6. I felt the same as you for months. Weed is terrible for those who got Bipolar Disorder or other psychotic sintoms, not only weed but too much caffeine, alcohol and other stuff. Stay Healthy, eat well, stay on your meds, work, have some sex from time to time XD, you can be happy without using drugs.

  7. Iv smoked weed for 10 years the attacks I get are incredible I lost a lot of people because of it. I want a change but my friend anti depressants are only making matters worse it's giving u the same high as the weed the exception is your not smoking now and u have to keep urself stoned all day long with those things, there the most dangerous things anyone could take mate in my opinion it's just an easy way to calm people down and get through another few years of life without dropping ourselves.

  8. My guy uses 450mg of a pill vs a joint… I really respect him for this but I can’t seem to cope with the dosages even I have. It makes me want to quit cold turkey

  9. I use to smoke cannabis but I found that it makes me Paranoid and keeps me in my head. I do not have any mental health issues. My husband on the other hand has bipolar and was drinking and smoking. He has stopped drinking with the help of medication but continues to smoke. I don't think it's safe for him to do so, especially since he's just started taking the meds. I can see being on the outside looking in that by him continuing to smoke that it's not helping, uts keeping him in his head and causing us not to move forward, causing delusional thoughts. I've felt that this was a mistake and told him how I felt about it, he just got angry, and tried to justify saying that Dr's. approve cannabis usage. I know that isn't true for people with bipolar. Thanks for sharing.

  10. Fock this guy coming from that privileged background trying to make weed bad but promoting pharmaceutical drugs that make ppl zombies you just weak

  11. Definitely suffering from bipolar and this video gives me hope to truly be sober. I noticed I’m more drained and tired when I smoke and I occasionally be depressed even when I’m on meds. I really appreciate this video I pray I’m able to truly be sober from cannabis.

  12. Ok I'll share here since I'm bipolar and I am currently in mania! Definitely cannot exclude cannabis use as factor contributing to this episode! I stopped about 4 days ago after a full blown manic episode peaking into psychosis. But I have noticed in the past a few times that in reality it does cause mania!



    cannabis helps me sleep every night without fail, cannabis saved me from suicide, every time I quit I relapse.

    I'm sick of videos like these deluding people to blame their issues on it, it's lazy psychiatry.

  15. After being on hundreds of difrent combinations of meds and nothing working. Cannabis has finally evened me out. Has helped my agoraphobia and bipolar so much. To each there own. My liver is fucked from big pharma and the meds Iv been on. Cannabis is natural and is a life saver for me

  16. yeaaaaaaa shiiittttt, I probably should have watched this 10+ years ago. Everything you said resonated well within me. I remember the first time tried pot, luckily I abstained until 22 or 23. It def got me out of that depressive rut. Then I remember not wanting to smoke often because I know addiction runs in my family, but figured weed would be less destructive than alcoholism, from what I've witnessed growing up anyways. I remember getting realllly low at one point, and refusing to smoke my way out of it, and after a few days I said screw it, I'm over this rut. That evolved into "I'm either high and happy, or I'm sober and mopey". High. All the time, miserable with my self. This '22 was my worst year ever, I've probably had 40 manic episodes this year, like everything was terrible, all the time. No joy what so ever. Had a few upward spikes, but not many. I gotta quite smoking pot damnit :/

  17. I’m bipolar I smoke from 6 am to 10 at night…. I don’t work anymore so I have lots of time available. I’m doing great!!!!!!!!
    I live an amazing life and would recommend cannabis to ALL those with bipolar.
    Stay away from stimulants like adderall etc they can push you into psychosis.
    Honestly, you’re having manic episodes because your brain cycles in and out of it. Cannnabis has nothing to do with it in my opinion.
    Cannabis is the only reason I’m not violent as a MOFO.

  18. I wish more people would talk about this because although I've never been diagnosed with bipolar , I am pretty low tolerance for cannabis/THC and when I'm feeling depressed or stressed and use an edible I've noticed I get "weirdly happy/in a different dimension" even during the after glow after a high. It's just something to be very aware of.

  19. I never understood why I was always willing to clean up while I was high on cannabis but now I get it that was my mania kicking in when I was high or I would feel as though I’ll start to trip out, when it should’ve mellowed me out. I was telling my boyfriend if I were to smoke I would have to be driving around for stimulation I couldn’t just sit in one spot or the effects would affect me faster. So I stopped smoking cannabis for almost 2 years in a half now but you know what really can help you if you’re like me with bipolar disorder yet still want to smoke I would recommend hemp flower or hemp pre rolls . They are excellent to stimulate mellow mood & great nights rest

  20. See idk about this… I have type 1 bipolar which means I get full blown mania and it's usually dysphoric. I have noticed that there are different types of cannabis indica/sativa. I ritually smoke indica because I mellows me out. I could be experiencing bad mania, smoke a joint of indica and it relieves the manic symptoms and sometimes stops the mania dead in it's tracks. Sativa will make me manic and the only time I will use that is if I am depressed. Makes the depression from a crash more bearable. There is a lot of knowledge to be learned about this plant. It effects everyone differently just like anything else. But as for me personally marijuana has been a Godsend to me. It provides me relief without worry of side effects. Now that doesn't mean go out and smoke weed like a train. It means I only use it to maintain my moods. It's because of this is why I haven't needed the pills. Thanks to marijuana I have been lithium free for 10 years and I have less mood swings than when I was on the pills. I truly believe it is the cbd in marijuana that helps more than the thc. But who knows? I stay away from concentrates too. That is pretty much just thc anyways and is more for recreational than medical.

  21. I know this doesn't apply to a lot of people, but Cannabis is dangerous for someone like me. I quit for several years then started smoking again about a year ago. Things spiraled out of control fast. Soon a lot of my symptoms came back. I felt so good I started missing my meds. I started sleeping a lot less. My spending went out of control. I've been in a manic phase for the last couple months and I'm beginning to come out of it. I feel bad I threw all of the progress I made out the window

  22. What about the difference between Sativa, Indica, and hybrid strains.
    Sativa strains can be horrible for bi polar vs indica.
    You can't just say cannibus as an umbrella term.
    As always there has to be a Lil effort towards not abusing.
    You can only eat the same thing until your sick of it.

  23. I'm conflicted because I enjoy cannabis but understand it's not an ideal treatment. To be fair, the other drugs used to treat my disorder have far more severe risks, and I take them. I see a therapist and psychologist and take medication. I think cannabis is a really, really good way to stop a spiraling state(for me). It's the only drug that has ever pulled me out of a suicidal spiral. That being said, I now use it every day and I think it's not a good way to use it. If I'm able to observe the spiral and identify it, a large hit of cannabis induces mindfulness in a way that allows me to not care about my pain enough to utilize my prefrontal cortex to use the tools I learn in therapy.

    I have never had cannabis push me into mania. I'm confused by this and hope there is more study. Ultimately my goal is to only use cannabis for treatment or for enjoying a night with friends. It's very pleasant for me and one of my greatest joys and treatments, which is one of it's dangers. I always wonder if my sleep would be better with less cannabis and how that might affect my disorder that I'm not taking into account.

  24. I’m bipolar 2 but smoking never made me manic or depressed. Now smoking to cure the depression fucked me up because then if I didn’t smoke I’d be irritable or depressed or both. But never while I was stoned. So idk. I also never got paranoid. I never green out or got sick. I just stopped because I was using it as a crutch and didn’t want to continue doing that

  25. My bipolar boyfriend smokes literally every day more than once a day. We break up after every few weeks, sometimes twice in over a 2 week period, then experience these intense loving emotions when we get back together, all to say we should just be friends. I don't know what to do at this point. He won't stop smoking. We just met barely 2 months ago so idk anyone in his family who can give me some insight.

  26. another comment…I have over the past two years been looking at social media posts about this subject. Many say that weed pushed them into mania was a trigger etc. Many then noted that the problems happened when they spent a day or two abusing their meds and adding alcohol and other substances. Somehow it is weed that gets the blame always. I blame booze. I have never seen anyone mess up their life but it always has something to do with alcohol. People drink to excess then smoke and they go into mania. Alcohol is the biggest trigger for Bipolar and after that add in taking way more meds than they should and various street drugs and right down at the bottom is Cannabis, but it is put at the top because there is money to be made dissing weed as this video proves.

  27. My two manic episodes were definitely brought on by heavy pot and alcohol use. I’ve been sober 2 years now and It’s been relatively easy to stay away from alcohol but now when I get to that depression stage even on Wellbutrin and ciprilex I find myself looking at different ways to consume thc. It’s rough because in the last year 3 shops have opened up in my small town all within walking distance and I could easily just go buy weed and start again. I haven’t given in, I was going to today actually because I’ve been struggling a lot but this was the first video that showed up when searching thc bipolar and seeing as we have a pretty similar story it hit home, so thank you.

  28. Hey guys, I was diagnosed with bipolar 1 after I had a manic episode for the first time, the difference is I used synthetic lsd 🤦🏻‍♂️ before this I had only ever used cannabis and I never had the problem. It was when I took an actual drug that I developed this problem. Do y’all think I actually need to forego cannabis completely? Or just stay away from psychedelics/ narcotics (except weed) like I’ve been since that first episode??

  29. If i dont smoke i go manic . for the record I was manic before ever smoking canibas . I don't take prescription drugs I have canibas. Its everyone to there own . My ego hasn't made me make a video .I usually keep this things to myself. You change the world if that's your gig.

  30. I’m bipolar 2 Using cannabis once in a while actually helps me I don’t do it all the time just when I need it and definitely make forget about things and worries

  31. I suffer with high end bipolar, as in my moods are around 6-10 so I don't get depression, so its very different for me.

    You are right, it is different from person to person, but I really appreciate the benefit of hearing your experience man. 🙏✌

  32. I find cannabis helps control my mania tremendously. The only down side is trying to come off of it sent me really manic.

    As soon as I went back on it I was fine again. It was like taking this amazing medicine that just destroyed all of my bad symptoms, but did not take away my ability to think at pace. It sort of controls the high.

    In my opinion this is a very subjective subject. I feel that people should have the right to treat their bipolar however they like. I am sure for many this works.

    I have also found benefit with golden teacher mushrooms but this is very subjective. One person's food could be another person's poison.

    I think the truth has been twisted alot here and although I would argue that cannabis can be very phycologicaly addictive, it can also be a great medicine for many people.

    Too many great natural medicines are being demonised nowadays, because one or two people get a bad reaction and it doesn't suit a political agenda.

    I would urge anyone with bipolar to use great caution with cannabis and phycadelics, as greater benefits can also mean greater risks. There is a middle path here.

    I exchanged lithium for cannabis and it works better for me. Could be the end of someone else though. 🤷‍♂️

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