Cannabis and Prostate Cancer

This video is a recording of Prostate Cancer BC’s March 2021 Nationwide Support Group meeting held over Zoom. Dr. Pippa …


  1. Go ask the Jews for their cannabis studies. Why? Because AMERICANS PAID MILLIONS AND MILLIONS FOR IT. Israelis get free cannabis for any and all conditions. Wonder how and why that is…

  2. This is not science just because somebody had some THC and had a stroke doesn't mean it caused it! They might have drank three cups of coffee that day that might have caused it or maybe it was the hot dog they had, you can't blame the marijuana!

  3. Oh this is absolute disingenuous nobody has ever been harmed by marijuana especially permanent delirium! No one has ever fried their brain on marijuana you are simply ignorant!!!!

  4. How I make my own Rick Simpson oil very quickly:

    I have a PAX 2 vaporizer and collect all the ABV in a jar, add olive oil, and let sit for a few weeks, stirring occaisonally.

    Then, whenever I get a skin lesion, I apply some the oil and place a bandaid over it. In a few weeks to a month, the lesion begins to shrink and finally disappear.

  5. There are endless amount of testimonies of where CBD helped people to overcome C. I have never heard of tobacco or cigarette healing anyone from this horrible disease but yet it is every where and legal. It is destroying many lives but yet still legal. When someone is dying, one gets desperate and will do whatever they need to do to live. Millions are wising up. Thank God for this herb / medicine.

  6. Very interesting and informative, but as someone who has been living with Stage 4 PCa with multiple bone metastases for 6 years, and running out of treatment options, it was somewhat discouraging that beyond its role in palliative pain control, this video suggests that medical cannabis does not seem to (as some anecdotal reports suggest), reduce PSA, shrink tumors, induce apoptosis of prostate cancer cells, or stop angiogenesis, which is necessary for metastases to occur. Perhaps, if something sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Sigh. πŸ™.

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