Cannabis Seed Germination Tutorial: Mel Frank & Derek Gilman / Ganjier

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  1. I only germinate directly in soil, put the seed in growing soil in a 0,5-1cm hole and keep it moist but not wet. pregerminate is not necessary and a lot can go wrong.

  2. 20 year old seeds?! And he let em stretch like that?? He must have all kinds of old genetics to not mind what happens to these. I find it fascinating his successful germination rate with such old seeds. Now I want to know. How did he store these seeds over that long?

  3. 1% exactly hydrogen peroxide and tap water and paper towel Wish I would have done this forty years ago. they pop almost overnight every time. 100% germination.

  4. I use cotton balls; they are sterile, so you don't have to worry about contamination! They are cheaper then rockwool, or peat pellets! They hold water well. I recently germinated some seeds I brought back with me from Vietnam; that's 50 years ago people! Out of 10 seeds; 3 sprouted! Cotton also works well for air layering plants. Just scrape a branch, wrap wet cotton around it, and cover it with tin foil, leaving a small opening at the top end to add water using a an eye dropper, or ink syringe!

  5. Actually…they say some seeds need light…thats bot true at all..they are seeds so small that any thing covering them will kill them

    Seeds are.seeds and i would never start such large seeds on a paper towel..actually..i would never start seeds that way at all…

    Probably..and i have never started these seeds but love starting seeds in generwl i would say the best way would be to use promix covering them fine perlite…perlite will prevent damping off and keep the soil moist..


  6. I use paper towels in a mason jar against the side for easy viewing, with a 12 hour pre soak in distilled water because its chlorine and calcium free. Put the jar on my tv receiver for warmth and had decent size sprouts in 2 days. Dirt tomorrow. Pink kush btw.

  7. This grow i had 1 seed left from the last order. Its about 8 or 9 months old from the time I got it. Popped it in the soil, no soak, no paper towel method. Popped right up in like 3 days or so. I think thats the best, easiest method. I do subscribe to soaking them for up to 12 hours to see which ones float or sink cuz the floaters r dead seeds ime and from online research. But popping the seed is the easy part, getting them through the next 3 weeks is the trick

  8. I have found cannabis seeds to be very aggressive growers. My seeds germinated within two days. It's best to get them in the ground as soon as that tap root gets to be 1/4 to 1/2 inch. It's harder getting them in the hole if the root is too long and it risks not getting the soil in around the root. roots grow DOWN , reguardless of direction the seed is planted. I have never had to plant any seed root side down unless it's an actual plant. I think next time, I am just throwing the seeds in the cup. You shouldn't have to have water floating like that eather. A damp paper towel in a warm dark area works just fine. Generally, it's the small plant that is more susceptible to damage ,not the seed.

  9. Ok this is how I do it.
    I mimic mother nature. I keep my seeds in the fridge. I get me a bowl of warm water around 78 degrees.
    It makes the seed think its going from winter to spring. Causing the seed to germinate faster. Usually within 24 hours.

  10. You guys are so smart . The greatest ever . So great it takes 2 of you morons to crack open seeds . Almost 16 mins of nothing . And Mr dumb with the questions needs to stop smoking

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