CBD Oil Why is this the Best Hemp Oil on the Planet!

Why is the Best Hemp Oil on the Planet! Optimize the Mind & Body PrimeMyBody …


  1. I had to stop 🛑 âœ‹đŸŒ watching 3:25.8 seconds in. I saw the info-mercial coming from a mile off. (And the “applause” and “cheer” signs they held up for the fake audience)
    It’s quite sad. A product that can help so many people is now usurped by the modern day snake-oil guys.

  2. Well CBD oil and hemp oil are not the same thing.

    Hemp has very little if any CBD in it at all.
    You need CBD from the whole weed plant.

    But if you put some THC in it it help's the medical benefits.

    Hemp oil is good but compared to CBD oil it's usesles.

    You are never going to get the full medical value from hemp.

    Amazon does not allow anything with CBD in it.
    But they allow hemp oil because hemp oil does not have CBD.

  3. Like selling canned air. It ain't all that. It grows naturally just about everywhere, the government is the only thing that challenges it's existence. Really weed per gram should be less than a penny.

  4. This guy is paid to push CBS oil this oil is not good for you. It causes stomach issues and heart palpitations, but u dumbass people would follow any dr that says a product is good for pain or whatever ails you, why do you think the FDA won't approve it. Wake up u bunch of idiots, all ur doing is making BIGGER dumbass people richer, try to buy it by the bulk and see what they tell u. NO because they can't get as much money selling it that way

  5. great video btw. is cb2 oil good for chronic knee pain without the high effects. an which way is beetr to consume this. by ingesting drops or rubbing it around noise an mouth?

  6. There are a few issues here.  First, you don't state who the sample competitor is.  There are all kinds of low grade CBD oil out there.  Second, and alarming is that unlike CTFO CBD oil, yours is not scrutinized under Federal guidelines, in that you have no GMP stamp on your product that I could see anywhere.  CTFO is one of the very few that voluntarily submits itself to the most strict guidelines to receive the coveted GMP stamp on ALL of their products.  As you probably know, the GMP stamp "guarantees" that everything on that label is "EXACTLY" what is in the bottle.  Company claims and very professionally done videos are as worthless as over 67% of all CBD products being sold without the GMP stamp….That's according to the Federal government.  Not CTFO.  I like you too much to see you pushing what may be snake oil.  If you are interested in the true best CBD on the market here's a link.  http://adirondacknaturalchoices.MyCTFOCBD.com

  7. Somewhat sad that it turns into an MLM opportunistic venture. But hey, it’s capitalism I guess. CBD is beneficial. I asked about getting a lot number analysis to investigate any possible toxins (hemp can be susceptible to a specific mold that you DO NOT want to ingest) as well as heavy metal content and…..nothing! Not too sure which company can honestly provide consumers with each and every batch/lot to ensure there are no unsightly things in these products.

  8. So, All chordate life has evolved to utilize signalling bio-lipids that target cellular ligand receptors to maintain homeostasis within the organism= got it

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