Does Marijuana Cause Strokes and Heart Attacks?

Health effects of marijuana. The temporary quintupling of heart attack risk associated with cannabis smoking may be due to the …


  1. Ive Been a heavy pot smoker for 30 years and one thing Ive never heard anyone talk about is after a big hit of really good pot has made me fall over and I even lost my vision for 10 seconds. I know when it's coming on and I'll drop to my knees so I don't fall. It's like standing up too fast after laying down for a full day.I know other people that this happens to also

  2. Been smoking since I was 12 one thing today's pot is over 20 thc sometimes 30 back in day u lucky if u get 10 percent… In moderation no problem daily use it's just too strong although I never experienced no heart issues just weight loose

  3. First of all, any study that says the words "non synthetic marijuana" loses all credibility before it even begins. At least Dr. G saw that bizarre statement, yet went on to take the study seriously anyway? That's already proof they don't know what they're talking about. How vegans rife with their own ideology wound up the ones falling into this hole I'll never know. Alright vegans, time for you to weigh in here in these comments before you put me to sleep with the boredom of your ignorance: What do you use to catch a buzz?

  4. It's just a complete clusterfuck right now I mean the majority of the issues are when people cough so hard from marijuana exposure when they smoke too much at once and in between hits they should allow an enough time to let it set in otherwise if you cough too often like that you're going to risk something popping but that's what they fail to reveal in their reports is that coughing is the major contributor of people having all these medical issues while smoking marijuana because of the heavy amount consumed makes a person cough to death that's what causes constricted arteries especially in sativas when the arteries get very narrow I've had that happen to me that I would cough so hard on a sativa that eventually it felt like something was going to pop in the back of my head‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️

  5. To me, the key term here is smoking. Smoking plant matter, ie (using your lung tissue to filter smoke from burning plant matter) is probably damaging to your entire cardio vascular system no matter how you roll that joint. I believe that marijuana is a dangerous drug to consume in ANY form. I look at it this way. Through evolution Cannabis Sativa developed a defense against being eaten by insects and animals. Other animals recognize the effects of the chemicals (a high to us) as a deterent or a poison and they do not continue eating the plant. An herbivore that is high is going to be easier for a predator to kill. Nature is warning us to stop this behavior.

  6. No one is is more denial than pot smokers. Why do you y’all insist it’s some non addictive miracle drug because it’s not lol. I know exactly what your feeling but you need to wake up a little bit and smell the roses

  7. Let’s compare the health record of dope to the health record of the Covid vaccine, remember the people who told you dope was bad told you vaccines was good mmmmmm but the guy with the affectation voice doesn’t give a balance to the statistics he has randomly selected and doesn’t show that weed consumed in a responsible way has an amazing safety record compared with any other substance and has shown many health benefits . Fact is if you spend your life sitting on your backside consuming anything be it weed or chocolate cake you increase the risk of all the things Bugs Bunny has mentioned ☝️

  8. You're so funny. Once a week smoking causes something. I'm 60, been smoking since 13. Ask me. You know me. Supreme athlete. ,80 sit-ups in two minutes. Four firsts in my first track meet. Baseball ⚾ scholarship. 104 wrestling wins on career. 4.2 avg. Pet carry on conference champs. Etc.

  9. There is NO point in this 'type' of study for cannabis. The study is a, 'literature review.' Such studies can be extremely helpful for many medical issues. The problem – cannabis has been subjected to thousands of FRAUDULENT studies and very few real studies. Combining good and bad science can never yield valuable data – waste of time – political bullshit

  10. 1:45 in I literally put the joint down. Lately about and hour after smoking pot I have a balloon effect in my head. Such pressure to in the sinus I'm guessing. They need better warning labels

  11. I have Aortic Stenosis and have been smoking heavily for around 6 years now. Granted I do have a regular murmur from time to time from it, all I get is the munchies and giggles lmao.

  12. thc is the big problem where people get high. that will give heart problems and other mental health issues. cbd oil is safe.

  13. I smoked that damn evil crap from 2001 till 2005 and casually till 2006, almost gave up and smoking a puff once in a while till 2008. The best thing ever happened to me in life is when I stopped to smoke that crap. I'm now 36 healthy cause always been high level sport even with a drop during my stoner/loser period. My friends who kept smoking, are now bunches of weirdos, not counting the ones who went and are still into cocaïne. Weed is thrown voluntarily on the market to destroy youngsters and society.

  14. This realy sucks i used to smoke but since heart surgery not throw pot but since then my heart dont like the pot and that's crap i dont drink i dont like stomach stones so now i make oil and cook my food in it but no stone i like the stone maybe i just need a gentil pot less thc and yes thats the answer

  15. When I feel imbalanced/unwell when high it helps to repeat “I just want to live in truth”. It’s hard to focus, but when I repeat that my body and mind come back into focus and my stressed heart and mind calm down. I think it helps because if I’m going to die I just want the truth because that’s the best I can hope for because I’ll be with god. It doesn’t last long so I have to keep repeating it. Not really a fun experience, so it’s best not to smoke so much weed or none at all.

  16. I had a stroke from consuming too many edibles. I was new to cannabis use and thought edibles would be healthier than smoking. I never felt high (something about being THC naive) but ended up with cyclic vomiting, a horrible unrelenting state of panic, and ultimately RCVS (reversible cerebrovascular spasms)s). Unfortunately, the arteries spasmed so long and so hard that they shut off oxygen to the occipital lobe of my brain, and I had a stroke. I lost a lot of vision and can't drive anymore. I think this is what he's discussing at 0:23 . I do hope people inform themselves of the risk of overdosing on marijuana gummies. It makes sense…you can overdose on ex-lax, antacids, even Flinstone chewables, but for some reason it didn't click with me to be careful.

  17. If people smoke weed in joints, with tobacco, they take away all the benefits from the weed, and become a walking time bomb, pure smokers who use pipes and bongs etc are using a different chemistry completely, and could live for many years, but the only real way to use all benefits of weed is to ingest it in food etc, don't use any fire at all, but, it's still deemed as a crime in my country, so we need to push harder to sack the dragons.

  18. I was smoking one day a gram of hash in the evening and everything was alright. Next day some Nepal hash. Just one small joint.
    Damn, pain in hart. Palpitations.
    But I use a lot of rapé on the side. Powder tobacco to put up the nose. So nicotine but no smoking.
    Hart went up to 120 bpm. According to the hospital no signs of stroke.
    Nicotine is vascular constricting. A good dose of paranoia, too much working. All set for bad you’d say.
    I’m sensitive to everything nowadays.

  19. Smoke from any source raises cardiovascular risk, and yeah anything that affects heart rates etc. against the typical American diet is bound to cause trouble. Eat whole food, plant-based, choose edibles and vapes

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