Dr. Amen Shares His Daily Routine for a Healthy Brain

Dr. Daniel Amen shares tips for a healthy brain and is an advocate for mental health on social media, where he has millions of …


  1. Reviewing your day is not a good idea before sleep but meditation in silence is
    Couple of hours before sleep without any information as such is a good idea
    Positivity Positivity

  2. We are. Taliban, India, America, etc, etc, etc, are images, ideas. We are. Happy, unhappy, bored, etc, etc, etc. Yet, we are, "EVEN During deep sleep. We/as I, you, or be, or she isn't. sorry. This is not original. This a quote from Ramana maharshi. " There is no world. Like in deep sleep. When you wake up, the world appears. " Very interesting to contemplate about. Let me into a different dimension. Echkart Tolle has also said. " There is no world "????????? Then, what are we? What is there? We /world are objects in space. 😂😢😮😅😊❤there is no space. Space is imagined with reference to objects. 😢 if there were to be no Sun, and the rest of the objects in what we reffer to as, Galaxy, what remains is a VAST nothingness. It is so with us, if there are no thoughts. 😂😂😂😂 sorry if it sounds crazy. I got know it by reading (repeatedly) Echkart's A NEW EARTH'. 😊

  3. Sorry. The brain is not different from the rest of our physical, psychological being. Being is not discernable by talking, ones' thoughts. Thinking is a amalgamation of sense and nonsense. Truth, is Totally unknown and unknowable. Happiness is nature.

  4. He mentioned prayer and he also mentioned evolution. So, how can a mix these two together ?

    If he is religious person he should not believe in theory of evolution and vica versa.

  5. Think of all the Palestinians who have to live with dinosaur-minded people and the stress they have to live with! They don't know if their whole family will make it through the day without one of them being shot!

  6. That’s interesting. Stoics tend to think about what can go wrong in the morning so they’re prepared, whereas Daniel does the opposite. I wonder how he handles bad things during the day with such an optimistic attitude. Anyone have any ideas?

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