Dr. Eric Berg Retaliates Against His Son Who Left Scientology

Dr. Eric Berg and his wife Karen Berg have retaliated with legal threats against their son Ian who has been exposing the Bergs’ …


  1. I have been watching Berg for several years now and generally agreed with his antiestablishment approach to medicine, as chiropractors have a tendency to do. I have always found his over-the-top "sincerity" just a little creepy, but couldn't put my finger on as to why. Holy MFS – you answered all my questions in this video.

  2. I have been searching for information for my rear medical condition that was diagnosed when I was 49 1/2yrs old ( I am now 55yrs old). Living life, being constantly mis-diagnosed was a nightmare until I found Dr Berg. Any questions I have now, I ask Dr Eric Berg, and he always has the most logic, sane, easy to apply solutions. My GP told me that my condition was "Out of his League" and put me in the – "too hard basket" but, invited me to speak to his medical doctors about my condition so as to educate them.
    Hmmm, looks like I became the Doctor and the Doctors became the patients! Strange how the wheels were turned around!
    So the moral of this story is; where there is a "DR" in front of your name or NOT at the end of the day something was DONE to help me and I am living my life and growing old and educating myself along the way. Thank you Dr Eric Berg I watch your videos everyday and I thank you for caring about me, my family and my love ones! Keep up the great work Dr Eric Berg!

  3. I have seen him with his wife on his show and he has always been very patient and kind with her. The one that I saw was when they were talking about when they first met. It was very sweet and he was very patient. She kept interrupting him over and over again, and he was still patient and kind and very gentle in his voice

  4. Karen by name,,, Karen by nature my God imagined being married to that sheesh. Dr. Berg has helped so many it's a real shame that this is how he chose to live and live with imo

  5. You are such a Class A jerk. So what if Dr Berg is a Scientologist. He has a right to any religious group he wants to belong to. So what if he donates his money to them? None of anyone's business, certainly not yours. If his son is spreading tales about his father publicly, shame on him. I would never hurt my family members, and if I hurt the parents who brought me up, who will be there for me till the end of my life, shame on me! There is no reason for that ungrateful kid to hurt his father's source of income because he disagrees with his religious views. I am not a fan of Scientology myself, and consider it a harmful cult. However, this is none of my business and not yours either, Aaron. To air their private family matters publicly is twisted. What does any of this have to do with you? Why ae you sticking your nose into their family dynamics, and creating a wedge between a son and his parents. What sort of twisted sociopath are you, to find enjoyment in that and in mocking a person's mother.

    Dr Eric Berg mentions often that he is a chiropractor and not a medical doctor. This is no secret. Your arrogant smirking about your so called 'expose' is both childish and narcissistic. Almost everyone knows that. He has every right to call himself a doctor since Chiropractors can add that legally to their name. My son is a rocket scientist and has Dr in front of his name. My old school friend is a PhD in Health and has Dr in front of her name. I have several cousins who are PhDs in Political Science, Physics, and have Dr in front of their names. You did not set these rules and you are not appointed hall monitor to determine who can, and cannot use Dr in their name.

    "Why are chiropractors allowed to use the title of Dr. in their name when they are not qualified to practice as a medical doctor?" For the same reason that dentists, osteopathic doctors, some professors, lawyers, physical therapists, and many more can. It's because they earned their doctoral degree.

    Dr Berg has spent an enormous amount of time researching medical journals and the biology of the human body. He brings his research to the public in bite sized, easily digested, focused information, one medical topic at a time. His information has saved lives. He is a saint. This one man has helped so many people including myself, in understanding why we have medical problems, in ways that the conventional doctors have not been trained, don't have time for, or don't care to find out. I do a lot of research myself on supplements, medical reasons why some diseases exist, how to fix them naturally, for humans and animals. I know he is right from my own cross referencing. Thanks to him, I understand the medical problems I have and working to fix them. I feel so much better already.

    For you to come here and invalidate his entire body of knowledge, with zero medical credentials of your own, besides your smirking, irresponsible, teenager attitude, is not only grossly arrogant, but malicious. You are one of these people who make their livelihoods by tearing down famous people and celebrities. You are a prime target for a lawsuit on character defamation. I sure hope Dr Berg serves you with one. You are a net zero. You have done nothing for others, and seek to destroy a good man's reputation, and ridicule his wife and son. Truly disgusting content.

  6. Your introduction and laugh regarding Dr. Berg described (as you laughed) as not being a doctor, but just a "chiropractor" shows your ignorance and hubris I might add. Do you know that chiropractors are NOT inferior to conventional physicians in biology, and the sciences?? Dr. Berg is well researched, and explains pathophysiology in all his videos. His knowledge base is immense, and he is an excellent teacher. I've learned more from Dr. Berg than I ever learned in anatomy and physiology as a licensed nurse. Every family has issues. It is sad a son and father are at odds. Hopefully peace can be made for this family eventually. What Dr. Berg is professionally, and what he believes privately is his prerogative. Have you ever taken the time to listen to Dr. Berg on nutrition, and different disease processes?? Or food and nutrition? Are you aware of the fact that there are functional doctors which treat patients also in an Era when big pharma is making billions of dollars to treat symptoms of disease, and not the root cause of disease?? After a little over one minute of your introduction is a real turn off. I won't listen to the rest of your podcast.

  7. A chiropractor is actually a doctor, people search out alternative sources because they feel let down by the medical community. He has helped so many. Why can't the son forgive his parents and let go? -Jesse Lee Peterson

  8. My first week with Dr. Berg, yes, he makes a lot of sense, but I always have to investigate everyone, so it leads me here to where my investigation is now stronger on the speaker.
    Is it balding or a mask? Do real men have necks like that? I thought men have tree trunk necks with a prominent Adams apple. In another slanderous video, his disguise is even more prominent.

  9. Chiropractors are traditionally much more educated in nutrition and wholistic medicine. A Chiropractor IS A DOCTOR. YOU are not doing your homework.

  10. He’s crazy he has a video advising woman to stop getting Mammograms. Horrible and he says Thermography is better. NO RADIOLOGIST IN THE PLANET WOULD ADVISE THIS. Early detection is the life saver. Thermography is nothing but heat and shows cancers that are already too big! He is nutty!

  11. D Berg's info is really helpful. I also hope Ian does very well. It may be he is doing whatever he can to save his parents from the controlling scientology. Glad Ian broke away and i hope his parents can do it too.

  12. I must say I'm very surprised to hear that Eric Berg and his wife Karen are in the Scientology cult. It is hard to believe. I heartily dislike that organisation. But I like Eric Berg, his work and health messages very much. So I have nothing against him for being part of that group. But it's good to know he is part of it. He could tell us himself in a video. It would be healthy 🙂
    This institutionalized snitching is terrible. I'm surprised some people can live like that. It is unbelievable.
    Eric Berg, you want to tell us a bit ? We will be glad to hear. And should not turn our backs to you.

  13. His personal beliefs is none of your business. So far none of his videos have said anything about his beliefs. He does extensive research before he opens his mouth like so many others. His knowledge is deep and vast. So we go on YT for information. Not to listen to some twit tearing down someone else.

  14. I am unsubscribing from him. Thank you for having the courage of exposing them. Now I see why he appear to be different from the other YouTube doctors. Thanks for solving that mystery!!

  15. Whether Dr Berg is a doctor or not, he is a genius and as a caregiver, I have come to rely on his advice which has overwhelmingly proven to extremely valuable and helpful. He has helped me more than my own doctors. In fact, I sometimes go to doctor berg and then when I go to the doctor, and they don’t know what the problem is, I can point them in the right direction of what to explore. Whether Dr Berg is into Scientology, or he is an atheist, his religion has nothing to do with his abilities. It is his freedom to choose religion, as this is America and it is one of our values, and he can do so without prejudice as stated in our constitution. I won’t pretend to know if he was a good dad or not, and if he wasn’t, I’m sorry but this won’t heal you. Look up the story of two wolves. It is wisdom and truth. I would love to believe he is a wonderful person, but I don’t because that takes evidence. I do know that whatever his faults are, I am happy to bask in the benefits that come from his knowledge. I want to add that I knew he was a chiropractor from the beginning. He never mislead me at all. In fact he is careful with his words and always clarified those points. He says to ask your doctor at times and most of his remedies are natural and healthy. Not like a snake oil salesman as you seem to suggest. I just hope people understand this man is the best advice in a way that they understand from the source to the wht it works. He does this is short videos. As a caregiver and having passion about understanding health and the body, he has been my number one go to and he is right about everything from sciatic pain, to, auto immune diseases, urinary track infections, vertigo, tooth aches, I have tried it all. If it wasn’t the answer, it at least helped without fail. I just hope you all hold onto this gem on YouTube because Americans have the freedom of religion and he is helping people. To his son, I am sorry your do hurt. I really am. I want you to look up the story of the two wolves. Let your light shine.

  16. I have really benefitted from Dr. Berg's insight into supplements. I think he's sincere about the information he is sharing and really shows his work in his vids. Scientology seems to create slave mind sets which is ironic considering they probably all think they are being liberated…

  17. I see it sort of like an automechanic who is a hardcore fundamentalist. I may not be into his religion but if he can fix my car I'll go back. I find Dr. Berg a useful starting point and have learned a lot from him. Yeah, take him with a grain of salt, do your own research, but be careful about just writing him off because, unlike you and I, he isn't perfect.

  18. Dr. Berg is the reason why I lost 100 pounds. M.D's are the reason for many of our loved ones that have passed away. It looks like you can also benefit from his channel.

  19. Wow, nothing like trying to bring someone down…we knew he is a chiropractor. He never says anything bad about his son…maybe you should follow his suitđŸ€” We don't care about his religious beliefs. Shame on you‌
    Why not hang out your dirty laundry before trying to do someone elses?

  20. Why are you doing this ??? What are you trying to archive with this video ? Who cares what is his beliefs ! Leave his personal life for him. He does share his knowledge with people to help improve health and he does it very well.

  21. Hmm.. I see a mother concerned about her son.. you would have us to believe that she’s some kind of monster and that Scientology is to blame.. very unwise you are.. stop spreading your disease

  22. Dr. Berg – best bedside manner on the internet. Tom Cruise looks like he's about to save commercial movies- maybe Scientology's doing something right.

  23. This cloud explain to some degree why Dr. Berg has this weird success on you tube. His claims a mostly wrong on a regular basis and he has no scientific basis with good evidence to support his claims. If you ask yourself, what good evidence is, I would suggest you look up “hierarchy of evidence”. The fact that he is part of such a cult as Scientology makes me believe that he is willing to manipulate his views by buying fake clicks. It is not uncommon on you tube anyway 

  24. I much prefer a chiropractor to a medical doctor. I dont know why people think medical doctors are better than any others in the health industry. Sure, medical doctors know which drug to prescribe to which disease but i prefer to get to the root of the problem and not just treat the symptoms like medical doctors do.

  25. You and Eric son or so bitter let everyone be who they are and you be who you are and get over. A lot worse has happened to a lot of other people cry 😭

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