Emergency services respond to serious incident in Auckland CBD | nzherald.co.nz

Armed police have responded to a serious incident in Auckland CBD and people have been told to stay away from the area.


  1. The NZ Police response was swift and lethal even tho this isn't a normal occurrence in NZ as happens regularly in other countries where we saw hesitation and no leadership resulting in a horrific loss of life .Guns are banned without a licence but evil will always find a way to commit crimes, robberies, assault,drugs,violence etc ,but it is a sad day for any loss of life ,it is now time to mourn 😪😔😪😔

  2. Another one Bamboozled by vaccination ? Oh My .. any place to hide ? What to spect if one is on a death row? Mental stability? Go after Fauchi and collaborates…use you military training for something meaningful

  3. How do you protect yourself from a armed criminal with a shotgun ?
    "You arm yourself for protection " , this will allways happen if the public cant arm themselves . My life is more important then waiting on police . Thoughts and prayers goes out to the victims and there families . Sad time for this country 😢.

  4. Omg hope people are safe wen they come n police capture gunmen omg it happen before last time last year omg hate people with guns i know were this place s stay safe guys omg

  5. How many police were wasting their time playing cowboys at that debacle, no wonder vary little crime is ever solved , totally over the top, imagine if there had been two or three of them the cops would have to bring in the army to make them feel safe .

  6. It's sad to see such pathetic comments regarding this event and how it was captured and reported. If you feel the need to respond with something toxic or just want to bait others or gaslight people because you enjoy spreading ignorance, ……. don't. We all see your ignorance if you do, and it's just pathetic. New Zealand is better than this and it's certainly better than todays events.

  7. Another false flag incident to take away the guns so that we cant defend ourselves, We are living in the end times and the demons in NZ govt and Police are plotting against us.

  8. Should TTOBA be named as a new sort of synthetic amino-acid, or just be left as quantum algorithm that exposes all the vectors in symmetric violence?!?

  9. Damn those gun laws are working really well at keeping arms out of criminals hand huh?

    Why take semi-auto guns from the hands of trustworthy New Zealanders when a criminal wearing an ankle monitor can still aquire one?

  10. I guess this highlights that strict gun laws don’t stop maniacs being maniacs. Or people on electronic bail from accessing guns.

  11. This is impossible. Guns are banned there. Hope they catch the guns and any other weapons responsible. The best self defense is no self defense.

  12. Bet the gunman has a string of crimes but our WEAK justice system allows them to freely mingle with law abiding citizens. Labours flawed Crime policy !!

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