French Bulldog epilepsy

Mainly for curious friends to see, but the Vet requested a video, if possible to indicate the severity of the seizures.


  1. I have a nine week old French bulldog puppy who has epilepsy is their any special foods you can give him, he is also partially blind, in his left eye, I will give him everything I possibly can as much love and care and the best foods and constant care but I have been told gaia could possibly grow out of this is this true, gaia deserves the best and he will get this with all the knowledge I can get from other French bulldog owners, please can anyone give any advice, I also believe in natural products as French's also have various allergies, but gaia is a fighter and so am I, I would rather have animals than people no offence to anyone, I believe that's what God put me on earth for to love and protect his creatures, AND I do.

  2. Our 11 year old pug had a full seizure recently – it was the first one he's had and it was terrifying. Very similar yo what you see in your video. It's very helpful to see this. Thank you.

  3. Just experienced this with my little one, I was very afraid and hysterical cause I wasn't sure what was going on. This video is very helpful.

  4. Damn man seeing these dogs go thru things makes me run and grab mine and just hug her!! Glad your a awesome human and there for her!! She needs you just as much maybe less honestly then we need them!! My French bulldog is everything to me, yea actually I do need my French bulldog more than she needs me and she has no idea how much more I need her… I’ll keep that a secret from her forever tho 😂😂 glad this dog has you man!! 👏🏻👊🏻

  5. People, please try to give them grain free or gluten free food.
    Wait aprox 1 week before seeing results.
    We have great results!

  6. I have a 10 month old Frenchy who has started to have seizures like this in the middle of the night while sleeping one every week for the past month some are a lot worse than others last night being the worst 😥 bloodwork comes back normal has

  7. Thanks for sharing this. We had this happen for the first time a few days ago to my 10 year old Frenchie. Scariest moment of my life. It was exactly the same as this but Ella was a lot more stressed out afterwards. A lot more mouth foaming and pooped all over the place. It makes me feel better to see that what happened to her is normal. As normal as epilepsy can be.

  8. Thanks, mine had had about 6 now, his legs are no good now and he is almost Blind, i fear the worse but hope some
    medication can help. he is only 3 years old.

  9. This is great. Thanks for sharing. Our Frenchie started having these last week at almost 2 years old. Vet thought it was heatstroke. Numerous tests ruled other things out. We start on epilepsy meds tomorrow.

  10. My frenchie is currently having seizures . He is literally at the ER vet right now . They said he had another seizures . They started him already on keppra and he had one dose and he already had another grand Mal and some focal seizures . If he continues they said they would start him on phenobarbital . Is this expensive ? I heard we need to get frequent labs to check his lover / kidney labs

  11. unser Baby hatte auch wieder eine Epi-Serie, gestern 8 heute 3 Anfälle. Er wird seit gestern mit Pexion behandelt und jetzt wirds die Zeit zeigen! Lg aus Magdeburg von mir & Spike

  12. Hi, How is your baby doing? My girl started to show similar symptoms since 2 wks ago. Had major seizures about twice and a short one almost everyday. It seems like it gets worse at night time while sleeping… She pees while having seizures and do not breath. I am so worried about her…

  13. hi i hope yr frenchy is feeling better…mine started yesterday exactly like this…i feel like he s gonna die…can u give me some info pls maybe theres some hope..thanks

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