GIVING UP ON MY DREAM!? We Need to Talk | GRWM + Q&A

Let’s Chat! Giving Up, Puppy Update, & More! Poshmark Merch …


  1. Firstly; does Jimmy know he’s internet famous by now? Lol.

    Secondly, “low fives” could technically mean anything up to 549,999. 550,000 is considered “mid fives” 7:27

    And you have to figure he knows you’re looking, he cold called you. Those people probably aren’t wanting to sell but slapped a price on it and said yeah we’ll move for x amount of dollars

    Thirdly, that must be a state thing, being able to see into people’s homes without them being on the market. I live in Fl and we sold our house a year ago. Both the house we sold and the house we bought the only photos visible on Zillow and realtor are the outer photo and the map of location. Cuz I used to stalk too and yeah.

  2. You don't have to explain about kids. That is you and Jeremy's business and no one else's. Truly don't understand why people insist on every young couple having kids right away. Do you and don't apologize for it. Sending hugs, love and light.

  3. So glad to hear that the phenobarbital seems to be really setting in. My dog on pheno really started to stabalize after about a year and a half on it. Now 5 years in, we have been seizure free for over a year. (Not epilepsy though, hers are anxiety related, also cluster seizures.) Your doing a great job dog mom! Every time it gets less scary. I was afraid of my own dog because of them and now its just "normal." 💪🖤

  4. I personally think they sought you out because they found out you were YouTube famous and would pay that insane unreasonable amount and when you made that face they knew you weren’t one of those YouTubers who just throw money away and realized they couldn’t justify that ‘not smart’ price and bailed

  5. Alexandria, wow girl. You guys have had non-stop stuff going on sincr before you wedding. I am sending love and positive energy your way.

    This is just my opinion, based on my vast experience being in MLMs and having friends ask me to buy things or try to recruit me to their downline, or have long time friends stop being my friend because of MLMs , and having people I barely knew from high school sending me messages on social media about MLMs. Sorry for the run-on sentence. But, please, try not to feel guilty about this thing with your childhood friend. MLMs set people up to beg their friends and family to join and buy things from them. If it was a great product and a legit business model, it would be one thing. However, it is not legit. Most MLMs sell big money lifestyles to their consultants, while requiring their consultants to buy a certain amount of products every month. The consultants then turn and sell promises and false product claims to their friends and family. Everyone I have ever known that got sucked into an MLM , ended up ghosting me when I stopped buying their products.
    I watch a lot of anti-MLM content on YouTube. It isn't just information made up by content creators. We see Zoom meetings and trainings and live streams of consultants selling their over priced products and recruiting people to a dream of getring rich quickly and these "huns" being downright deceitful to potential buyers and nasty to their downlines.
    It isn't your fault that your friend chose to join and MLM , only to end up begging friends to buy stuff so she can reach a bonus that her upline is pressuring her to get. You are so sensitive and kind. I know your interest is only to be a good friend and help your friend. But, that isn't your responsibility to support her in a business whose model is to fail the people at the bottom of the pyramid. I may sound harsh. I can speak from experience, having been recruited to multiple MLMs myself over the years. I hope that your friend will eventually realize that she is being scammed and taken advantage of. Just remember, that isn't your fault or responsibility. You are clearly a kind and caring person. You have no need to feel guilty. Love and hugs to you and your hubby and sweet pups.

    I hope that things get worked out with Tater's meds.

    I also hope that you all will eventually find your dream home when the time is right. House hunting can be so exhausting. I wish you all the best. ❤

  6. Pharmacy Tech here, Pheno is a controlled substance, so unfortunately it can get kinda tricky when dosage changes happen. I see it happen a far bit for people as well.

  7. I always appreciate it when people vlog with a messy house. My house is NOT super clean. there is clutter, dog hair, shit that should be put away, washing etc. So when I see someone vlog with a messy house, it makes me feel so much more normal!

  8. Omg Same a friendish that I went to school with since elementary through highschool reached out to me wheb I was going through a separation from my husband, I was in a very low place and then she reached out acted like she cared, I really could have used a friend at the time so was excited to meet up, but in our conversations about planning to meet up she brings up a MLM opportunity that would “help” me with income since I was bringing a single mom. I declined nicely that that stuff isn’t my thing, I was in the last semester of college so I wanted to focus on that and my kids i felt the vibe change and I was like is this chick trying to take advantage of my situation for her MLM. never heard from her again 😢

  9. We live in neighboring towns and must be looking at the same town close to Lexington without trying to doxx you or anything but the market HERE KD WILD rn. My best friend lives in one of the ones with a marker out front and we talk all the time about it as I’m trying to move out of Lex to there!

  10. You are such a lovely, kind-hearted woman. I've been watching your videos for years. Don't ever change. I hope life gets easier for you in the future, and all your dreams come true.

  11. We switched out very allergenic girl to a raw food diet and no more itchy skin. She was on a strong oral allergy pill and no longer needs it. Kibble too because they found a mast cell tumor which is histamine fed. I am terrified of fleas though beside I can’t give her a neurotoxin when she’s got cancer.
    Also our cat has auditory induced seizures. Sees vet again tomorrow.
    Your mlm friend is a victim so keep that in mind. They prey on us so hard. I refuse all mlm invites from friends. I tell them to watch documentaries on them and get back to me.

  12. I get the feeling you’re going to give up on the whole house thing and the right one is going to fall on your lap unexpectedly. It’ll be like a wedding dress and you’ll know right away it’s right.

  13. How!? What!? There's a nasal thing for seizures!? Why hasn't mine or my brother's Drs given that to us!?
    BTW, you're story/update about Tater was very succinct and I could understand you completely. With the way my brain has been understanding things. That's impressive.
    My dog was on cytopoint. But it wasn't working. But she has heart issues so that's all she could have. The vet said the least invasive allergy treatment they could give her was something called Apoquel. It works really well. Maybe try that? I'll DM you on instagram and hopefully you'll get it.

  14. It'd be so cool if you go of of those mini house/storage shed things for your filming. My family had gotten an outside office because they didn't want an office in the house (we didn't have much room) they made it look super nice!

  15. I put 10 offers on houses, so I can definitely relate to the rollercoaster of twist, turns, and emotions. It’s so frustrating and draining of time, money, and sanity. It sounds like you have a great plan in place working with what you have. I hope everything works out for you. I’m sure it will all come together eventually.

  16. Jimmy has my heart ❤ and Alexandria, you eye makeup looks amazing! I cannot get a great eye done on myself and I've been wearing makeup for many many years, lmfao 😪🤣😭

  17. I have deep empathy about the house situation. Everything comes around for the good in the end — maybe a dream house of yours is going to come on the market, or prices are going to nosedive, or you're being saved from nightmare-and-climbing interest rates. You should take a look at something like a Family Safe, for bad weather. There are lots of above-ground storm shelters that can be installed, and some companies even specialize in building out around the shelter to conceal it, if you don't want it to be really obvious, or you can't fit it in the garage, but still want to access it without going outside, etc.

    My mom got us a Family Safe when we were young (using grant funding), and she so cleverly (and cheaply) put up plywood "walls" painted a friendly color, laid a carpet remnant, ran a connection for television and electricity, and cut down a mattress to fit on the floor so we could all sleep in there for those awful overnight storms. It's so comforting to know you have a safe spot to go, that's already got everything you need. (It's also a good place to keep important documents and valuables.)

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