1. The "button" that's supposed to bring up the decarboxylation video only pauses this video. Can you please add the link to the decarb video to the description of this one (either that or fix the existing button)? Thanks in advance.

  2. So you just tossed in you’re bud and didn’t decarb and didn’t grind it up sooo that machine does it all

    Or you gotta grind up weed 28grams I use then first toss in oven 250 for half hour then machine for 2 hours right?!

  3. Is there any way to run your butter for longer I usually do a 24-hour infusion using the crock pot method now that I have this Butter machine how can I make my butter stronger if it's only for 2 hours should I reduce the Heat to 130 then set it for the 4 Hour or the 8 hour mark

  4. Interesting. Looks like a lot less work than crockpotting. I have NEVER used nugs, always trim/ some shake & the results are bakey. Pun intended. Actual buds seems like a waste. Thoughts anyone?

  5. Per cup? I don’t get it. 7-14 grams per cup of butter?

    Why can t you just say 3 cups of butter need 14 grams.

    This recipe is confusing.

    Clarify please.

  6. So I have a friend that only uses 1/4 ounce of flower with the 750ml bottle of grain alcohol and says his tincture is strong, but this dude is using 2 ounces. What’s the right recipe here if you’re wanting to put the tincture into something like gummy bears?

  7. Is decarb to activate a "cbd"? , whats the purpose of decarb?, if i choose not to decarb will that keep thc in the butter?
    Is this for medicinal butter or couchlock butter? Or decarb required for all butter?

  8. Ok, My recipe is, 5 to 6 grams of weed and 1 cup of coconut oil, boil for 2 hours and leave the weed in the oil, and mix with high-grade natural honey (not that cheap junk fake honey) and some Lecithin. After mixing the Coconut oil infused weed☘️ with the Honey🐝 and Lecithin. Put the batch of Coconut oiled weed honey☘️🐝 into the refrigerator and enjoy 😂. My batch tastes even better when it got cold from being in the refrigerator and yes I only had a couple of teaspoons and it made me nice, smiley high🌞 and it was delicious.

  9. wow i thought this thing decarbed your flower in the while process…. youre better off just grinding it and stirring it over a simmer for an hour….fuck this thing was really goona spend 140 too for a mixer with a timer…

  10. Can i make something smokeable w this machine. I got it, but am startn to realize i may have a paper weight on my hands. Someone please tell me im wrong and help! Thanx 💯

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