1. Such a sweet video! Love seeing all the animals and sweet little Ruby! She’s got a great home! Your granddaughter just gets cuter every day! Glad the fish are surviving!

  2. So good to hear that you have had rain! Thank God! We have just started with our winter rains here, rather late, but we have Mud! How exciting! With the tarp collecting water, we solved the problem by (tarp off) wiring a 4"square fencepost horizontally across one end of the run, and putting the tarp back on, pulled taught. The fencepost acted like a rafter, and gave enough slope to shed the water! We also collected the water in buckets, to use on the garden, or to flush the loo, or for their drinking water if it's clean enough. Ruby is just so lovely… your return blessing! God is So Kind. Love to you all. ❤ 🦘

  3. That baby Willow is the cutest baby!! Just precious!! Glad things are coming together for you all I live in Oklahoma just about 10 miles west of Fort Smith. I have so enjoyed going with you on your journeys to get settled. You have a beautiful place. I am not a homesteader but love your channel. I hope you can get everything the way you want it & can enjoy your farm. Can’t wait for each day you are on.

  4. We have a dog that is a muzzle and tackle. He loves us all and is the most gentle with our 5 month old granddaughter, and has been since day 1. But strangers…. He goes on full alert and will absolutely attack if he feels like he is defending us!!

  5. Your granddaughter is such a precious angel! What a lovely way to grow up, surrounded by all of God's blessings and creatures and the love of great parents and grandparents! And Ruby is adorable as well!

  6. What a sweet video ☺️ The whole family, people & pets, just spending time together 💕 LORD GOD bless you and the family my dear sister, in JESUS CHRIST'S Holy name 🙏🏼🌿

  7. Glad Willow and Ruby get along. You have a lot going on there at the new place. Glad you got some rain for the poor fish. Stay well and safe.

  8. What a sweet dog little Ruby is. Every dog I ever knew was estatically happy to go bye bye in cars – except for our Boone. We tried everything. Poor thing. We hardly ever took him to the vet.

  9. Somehow I missed a video. You kept the sweet little girl 🙂 YAY! Does your Son and his family live with you? I see your grandgirl alot in videos. Glad you got rain!!!! We just got some too! It had been many weeks!!!!

  10. Glad you kept one of the pups, so cute. I took my Bailey as a pup (now 11) with me everywhere a store would let her come in. She knows to potty before going in, she loves the attention and never barks or growls at anyone.

  11. Is Ruby part Beagle? They all looked a little like dachshunds. But, I know they aren't. Just the coloring, I guess. The puppy is stinkin cute. Willow Bean is ADORABLE!!! What a sweetie!!

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