1. I am a COmbat vet with PTSD. I have been on every variety of drugs from the VA. Nothing worked till I started micro dosing Marijuana with my state medical card. They should just be giving this out as a ration item for every house to deal with the every day stress.

  2. In the mean time, folks, know what is really going on in the world as nations are eliminating Cov restrictions:

    This is our chance: GET OUT OF THE CITIES and GROW YOUR OWN FOOD. The world is being staged into entering the false sense of "peace and safety". Bigger crises awaiting and their solution will HURT us, making the impact in the last 2 years like a child play. Everything already in place: the infrastructure to freeze our bank, to block us from buying and selling, the laws and ordinance to demonize us as the trouble makers if we refuse the dominant narrative…

    BLUE LAW is returning "for the common good". Church and state will unite to revive Blue Laws. Dissenters will face no buy no sell, monetary fines, prison times, just like back in the day. That, folks, is Revelation 13:16-17.

    The political pendulum is swinging to FAR RIGHT. Hegelian Dialectic. It's making it's way in the darkness through good conservatives who are not really understanding the real agenda behind what they are advocating. Bcus the leaders are concealing the true intention: to unite church and state in America to legislate Blue Law thinking it will please God, bring the nation into repentance mode, and to improve the moral. There will be false revivals in churches, false miracles will be wrought into persuading people to accept Blue Law. Spiritualism will be presented, demons masquerading as your loved ones who already deceased, even Satan will disguise himself as Christ. To many, seeing is believing. Some will comply wholeheartedly (in the minds), some only comply bcus of pressure and convenience (on the right hands).

    The antidote for this is Revelation 14:

    Fear God and give glory to Him, for the hour of judgment is come. Worship Him who made the heavens and earth. That folks, mean keep the true Sabbath (Exodus 20:8-11) as the world is being deceived into complying to Blue Law (Sunday Law, get it?). Saints, endure the tribulation. Keep God's Commandments, not the law of the land (Blue Law). Have the faith of Jesus, do not be selfish in this time, feed the hungry, care for the orphans/widows, serve the sick, comfort those who are mourning and in the prisons..

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