Making peace with cannabis | Zachary Walsh | TEDxPenticton

This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. Talk explores human beings’ …


  1. I completely replaced lexapro for depression and painkillers for several painful injuries with the Acapulco gold strain of weed and my life is terrific now. Antidepressant withdrawl was the lowest point in my entire life and I was a full blown oxycontin addict 15 years ago so thats saying sonething…I smoke daily when I get home from work as despite the fatigues of the day it gives me great focus to plod theough my chores and get things done Less pain and less anxiety and depression, What more could I ask for? What more could anyone ask for really, on this lousy noisy stressful rock were all trapped on. I'm productive and chatty and work is going well (plumber). My kids love me and aren't afraid of me and my wife sees the improvement in my outlook and the way I flow through the world with ease now… And it doesn't seem to dull my emotions like the antidepressants did so I feel alive and human again. I treat it like a medicine and it treats me like the sick person that I am. Life changer for me personally. Highly recommend this strain in particular as It hasn't been messed around with and is an ancient strain. Try it, I think you might just enjoy it!

  2. The THC levels in plants nowadays is wayy too much. we need more balance with cbd. i find hash (the whole plant extract) to have the most chill vibe. and as always, use it wisely, not daily.

  3. How about hemp and climate change?!! As it absorbs far more co2 then trees and acts as a natural pesticide and fertilizer, it is actually an essatial plant in the mordern ecosystem of the planet!!

  4. When I smoke I love to clean my little space. I really get into dusting all the corners, the bookcase, polishing metal things, and doing a great job. All the details. No idea why, but cannabis makes it so much more fun! 😁

  5. I had my 100% belief that I would be cured from this virus,I never gave up after trying different means but nothing,then I found out I was doing the wrong thing by harming my body with pills and injections,I had to think sharp to order from Dr osaye,and God healed me with his healing herbs®©

  6. Well he is wrong about sleep for one. Second is cannabis is addictive, maybe not by it’s nature but like anything else we are seeking pleasure from. And of course long use of cannabis damages your brain. So if someone has condition perhaps there should be dosage prescribed by a doctor, and not just “I get high everyday and it’s medicinal”—cause it’s not

  7. Gives a false sense of reality making one feel they can do anything when the facts are that it actually lowers their motivation which then lowers their mood which in turn then they want the high that weed gives them Vicious circle if you ask me but just my opinion

  8. Wow – there is an entire flip side of this. Cannabis caused big problems for my husband – depression, anxiety, anger… You need to see how it affects marriages. Today's weed is not the same stuff we smoked in the 70s in college.

  9. Yes, I think it's time I got the chance to use it as an epileptic in Australia. Compared to the medications I'm using un-effectively that are causing my memory to depreciate.

  10. This talks out of my soul! I have anxiety and pain and cannabis is the best medication for me without other side effekts…thanks for that!

  11. Marijuana lifted me up out of a bad state for the first couple years I used it. However, after a while I realized that it was keeping me at a certain level and holding me back from growing any further. It's a great tool, but equally important is knowing when to let it go.

  12. I was diagnosed with anxiety & depression after awaking from a coma caused by a motorcycle accident that got me pulled from medical school. My pcp wanted to put me on an SSRI but already knowing the common potential side effects, I told her that I had it covered. She was so baffled & I asked her to remember what was one of the 1st things my lil brother told you when I was planning to join the family? I reminded her that my lil bro told her that I was a pot head through hs, but since I was a straight A student & a band geek, I never got in trouble for it.since I was a good kid. Marijuana has been legal in my Alaska since I was a kid. I use it medicinally only needing to medicate once or twice a month depending on what my body tells me where my cortisol levels are. Cannabis is medicine, not a drug!

  13. Escape the curse! Quit weed!
    Tired of being stressed, poor, in pain, tired, empty, accidents, loneliness?
    It will create anxiety, panic attacks, bipolar, anger, and you won’t ever get true sleep!
    If I can stop (20 years of constant smoking 😭),
    Anyone can!
    Weed actually makes you depressed! It’s hard to stop, especially the first day/week. Hot showers when you get a craving. Get your lives back 💯🙏

  14. All this babble, Nothing about the addiction aspect. This dude is a complete tool and should not be taken seriously. His talking points are old, He isn't studying anything other than other Youtube videos.

  15. Chronic drug use with no bad consequences. This guy doesn’t mention one bad aspect of using cannabis. Sounds like confirmation bias was in full effect. I’m sure there are many good examples of the benefits but ignoring genuine concerns will not win over support for legalisation. Maybe there is more to the story than what is being portrayed here.

  16. I switched to cannabis to deal with anxiety. Alcohol is great for getting rid of attacks quickly, but cannabis (I use every three days) seems to prevent attacks. In fact, I only felt anxious once. The effects of edibles seem to stay with me for days, long after the high wears off.

  17. 0:30 If i had to give a single difference between the two. I'd say schedule is the defining deference between Medical and Recreational use. Someone using it medicinally would be more likely to take it at certain times a day, with a set amount of doses for the day. While a Recreational user uses it whenever they want.

    But really even that might not be completely accurate, as some who use it medicinally may also take it whenever they feel they need to. OR Someone using it recreationally might also be using it for the medicinal effects. Like he said it really is a thin and porous line that can be pretty hard to define.

  18. I started smoking cannabis at 27 and I actually quit taking my antidepressants and its definitely a massive change. I still have anxiety and some panic attacks only if the anxiety isn't under control, so I'm learning about my body each day, understanding the signals and I know when to light up and when to just focus on breathing, mediation, talking with my support system until I am good. My husband has seen a massive difference just in my energy and sleep. In the beginning I was irritable but I knew about the withdrawals because during my 11 years of taking antidepressants I stopped taking it for a few days on and off. I just didn't feel like myself while on those antidepressants, looking back at my childhood I never had any mental health issues, not until I was a sophomore in high school. So I question every day since being off my antidepressants was I misdiagnosed? I don't blame my parents one bit because they didn't know what to do and I truly think Drs just push these drugs for money instead of actually looking into the patient and understanding why they feel that way.

  19. Real shame that he did not make any distinction between what recreational cannabis use vs medical cannabis use looks like when it comes to the plant, compounds, ratios and strengths because they change drastically. One designed to get you highly intoxicated and another that focuses on exploring a person centred approach to reduce harms and gain benefits.

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