1. i am 35 yrs old been using cannabis for 25 yrs and been studing about medical benefits for bout ten yrs now and it is an amazing plant from god and it does exsactly what god made it for cures!!!!!!! thanks for video have great day

  2. Welcome to Marijuana Magazine Buds. We Have Top Grade A+ Quality Medical Marijuana, We are we produce kushs like; Indicas, Granddaddy Purple, Bubba Kush, Purple Kush, Northern Lights, Afghan Kush, Blackberry Kush, Grape Ape , Cheese, Sativas, Sour Diesel, Green Crack, Jack Herer, Alaskan Thunder Fuck, Durban Poison, Lemon Haze, Maui Waui, Blue Dream, White Widow, Trainwreck, OG Kush, AK-47, Headband, $100 OG, Blue Cheese. at (571) 882-9591 or email linda.emel320@gmail.com

  3. Ingesting it doesn't cause a psychedelic effect. If you want to pay your bills, you shouldn't vape or smoke because that's instant and more mentally affecting than ingesting. Gotta love the 'experts'!

  4. CNN I want to get this out for everyone to see and possibly change the outlook of marijuana. Marijuana should be legal for many reasons.People today are getting the wrong message of marijuana. I want to tell how it is not bad for you. marijuana has been proven m

  5. anyone who is against cannabis use should be voting it legal because it would put illegal drug dealers who sell to your kids out of business. those who are for cannabis should also be voting to legalize because nobody likes getting ripped off for shitty weed and simply dealing with sketchy people

  6. We should be allowed to make our own choices, and they need to treat drugs as an addiction, not just punish everyone so the prison complex can profit.

  7. as a leukemia fighter the docs keep pushing meds on me.i've had 2 spinal fusions with a titanium plate in my lower spine,i live in constant pain,the weed makes me relaxed ,controls my nausea,appetite,and puts a smile on my face,,cmon wisconsin ,pass it..

  8. marijuana is the plant of renown of Ezekiel 34 v29 which predicts the end of its prohibition. marijuana is the tree of life of revelations growing in the midst of the street, inside the houses, and on either side of the river, on both sides of the tracks!

  9. Legalize marijuana by signing this petition in the following link: h t t p s : // petitions . whitehouse . gov / petition / legalize-and-regulate-marijuana-be-sold-all-50-states-abc-stores-citizens-over-21-save-billions/J5DC3mK4?utm_source=wh. gov&utm_medium=shorturl&utm_campaign=shorturl

  10. The system is horrendous..when i was in high school i went to my doctor and said im having trouble with focusing and studying, and boom, he gives me a script just like that

  11. Everything you say is true. My friend had ADD so I had access to Adderall (meth) when I was young, even easier than finding access to weed. Now I'm 18 w/ a pot rec card and I still find it easier and cheaper just to drink handsanitizer or brew alcohol. This system is truly flawed

  12. Too much of anything is bad for you, but my point is marijuana will cause you to lose your job or not get a job due to drug tests, which is just ridiculous when you can drink all day and smoke cigarettes. Or abuse a corrupt system to get opiates legally prescribed by your doctor (which literally have the same effects as heroin). We hand out aderalls to kids because they "Cant pay attention" even though aderall is pretty much Meth (no exageration). Marijuana not being legal is fucking ridiculous

  13. Did you even read my post? Its just so sad that people so uneducated and ignorant like you exist. Marijuana has 0 reported deaths over the history of time. That is a fact that you can not argue. It DOESNT cause cancer, it DOESN'T kill brain cells, and a recent scientific study done over the course of 20 YEARS by scientists at UCLA proved that occasional marijuana use DOESNT EFFECT YOUR LUNGS. PLEASE utilize the internet for something positive and educate yourself.

  14. Well alcohol is a drug..a drug that ruins lives, kills thousands of people every year, and i think we can all safely say that alcohol has much more severe mind altering effects which leads to thousands of accidents causing deaths every year as well. Now with that being said if anything alcohol should be what stops you from getting the job, not pot lol

  15. I've heard this argument a long time now about how cigarette smoking will harm my life. But what about a person who gets drunk gets in the car and kills a child they continue to advertise to our young people or about warnings of medications that have long term side effects with 100 million dollar law suits and they still advertise this corporation pumping poisons in the air and in our water putting floride in our water steroids in our meat and you want to tell me that this cigarette is goingTKM

  16. Just like tobacco you can not grow it with out a tax number and invortory of what you grow so that they can tax you that way and if your off by just a little amount the will fine you for that just like Ethynol.

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