Massive fire after explosion at Shell refinery plant in Deer Park

A massive fire has been reported after an explosion at a plant near Deer Park. READ MORE: …


  1. USCSB wil have a field day again…can't wait to see their video about it being a sum of cutting corners,random amateurism and negligence…and greed of course(untrained personel was chosen over trained personel because those have become to expensive) but no panic,they'l perfectly use this as a reason to raise the price of energy again…

  2. I remember the explosion at this exact same plant back in 1997, at the unit just to the right of where this fire is burning. The shock wave damaged the building I worked at on Georgia Ave, blowing out the roll up doors, knocking all the ceiling tiles down, cracking sheetrock.

  3. There should be more safety precautions taken in the refinery industry. Every other week Houston get more plant explosions and pollution entering our air. These chemicals cause cancer in humans.

  4. These fires are not accidental. Bidenโ€™s, Obamaโ€™s and Soros, NWO Satanist NAZI Cult members destroying our Country from within ! Open Boarders allowing Terrorist working with them and China ! May G D Help us ! Pray ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ

  5. That fire was set deliberately. That's man made to attack us from within. Letting so many people into this country. That can be cells. To attack us from within. The enemy is here.

  6. Hey at KPRC I have no idea where is Deer Park, or Harris County, I wish that ALL News outlets would get it that the internet is GLOBAL and tell us who are watching, the name of the state you are reporting from.

  7. Texas, the one state that proves that state government regulations are essential because they work and maker communities safer to live and work. Despite having a massive very profitable (Shell) oil industry here in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, these things don't happen over here. Not on this scale and frequency anyway. We learn from our mistakes while you don't and will never do. That makes you guys a bunch of morons over here. Texas sucks.

  8. Its gotta be the Commies. Food and food production is under attack. This + being overburdened by "refugees". This is prepration to conquer a country. And it will be by an ally that betrays us.

  9. Satanist Bush Jr, bought up WATER, and so did many other BANKERS, are they trying to POISON all surface waters, so we are FORCED to buy THEIRS? It''s a satanist UN serving scumbag attack, either way, and we are sick of seeing the deliberate destruction of OUR nation! Worldbank/UN thinks they OWN all our waters, and all other natural resources as well, according to TREASONOUS UN Agenda 21.and our sheriffs need to get up against this already and stop selling us out! Know that Rockefellers and Rothschilds founded the satanist UN and our evil gvt in DC has been covertly implementing these policies fr Hell, along WITH their mainstream arm of deathmongers

  10. That's a small fire know the area well worked some of the plants. It does make good news to keep people afraid. Very little gas is made in Houston. But watch the price go up as the news blows this up at a plant that makes no gas. Let's go Brandon can we please send more money to. Tanks on the border stop playing games

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