Medical marijuana debate resumes in North Carolina Senate

Debate on the legalization of marijuana in North Carolina for medical purposes returned on Wednesday to the state Senate.


  1. They made it so restricted that even if it gets passed, virtually nobody would be qualified. Better yet, with that $50,000 entry fee, they might as well throw the bill in the trash and give up. I mean if it does pass, it’s gonna take years to make changes to allow a broader customer base. Jesus Christ North Carolina.

  2. The change isn’t easy bc we allow senior citizens run congress with old biases. I still have yet to ever see a convincing argument for the ban of marijuana.

  3. Science and widespread experience have shown cannabis is not addictive and has no significant harms. – Yet, more than 400,000 innocent Americans are arrested for simple marijuana possession most years and made second-class citizens – for life! They will forever face large obstacles to decent employment, education, travel, housing, government benefits, and will always go into court with one strike against them. They can even have their children taken away!

    20 million Americans are now locked away in this very un-American sub-class because of this bogus "criminal" record, and the rest of the country is terrorized by that threat. That has a horrible effect on the whole country, being a catastrophic waste of human potential. It also breeds massive disrespect for law enforcement, the judiciary, and government in general.

    The fraudulently enacted cannabis prohibition has never accomplished one positive thing. It has only caused vast amounts of crime, corruption, violence, death and the diminishing of everyone's freedom.

    Let's quickly join the 21 Free States that have ended this insane, vicious persecution.

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