Microdosing Magic Mushrooms With CBD

In today’s video, Dr. Dave shares his experience with the enhancement of CBD since he has been microdosing magic …


  1. maybe you built up a tolerance to CBD and part of the effect you notice when you returned to it with pscilocybin is simply your tolerance had returned to baseline

  2. Why you so active when in pain, let your muscles heal try taichi hiking dude if you cant hack it you cant hack it even if you dont feel pain your body is telling you sto slow the fuck dowb

  3. I gotta try this combo been wanting to also try micro dosing NN DMT n occasionally the 5meo variant as well just gotta make sure they don't piggyback each other.

  4. Very interesting! I actually just ordered some high quality cbd drops and might try it on the weekend with a small dose like 1.2g. Have you tried the cbd with a macro dose before?

    I'm up in cold ass northern BC lol

  5. I had the same experience with CBD. It was amazing at the beginning but after 3 or 4 months I stopped using it at least on a daily basis because I felt the benefits weren't as noticeable as in the beginning. I am currently using CBD if I have too much stress during the day and it prevents restless nights.

  6. Hello friend! I feel the love….☺ Congratulations on your latest epiphany!
    The combination of psilocybin and cannabis used at different times makes sense to me. I know some people who also use it together and love it. I've heard great things about cbd/thc for pain. I look forward to hearing you talk more about this.
    Mush love Dr. Dave 🍄❤

  7. I found when i smoke normal thc weed i can enjoy it now no more panic attacks which i love i been having eddibles at 10 mg and i feel so great like with the weed and shrooms i feel like my old self i have a bad back from a car accident and i get totally relief i love how shrooms are helping my brain and the weed is helping my body

  8. I was just wondering about the synergy between cannabis and mushrooms. I've only taken mushrooms 3 times, moderate doses spread out over 1 1/2months and when I use cannabis, which is much less now, it seems to re-up the feeling of the mushrooms.

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