Natural Relief for Joints, Muscles, and Nerves – Dr. Osborne's Zone

Supplements mentioned in this video: Alpha Lipoic Acid: B-Complete: …


  1. When truth is heard, it is understood and there is no need for explanation. That said…Thank you for all the in-depth life altering explanations!
    AMA, FDA and Pharmaceutical companies have done an incomparable job of brainwashing trusting humans from north to grave. The horror is the incomes derived from employment by these entities is enough to corrupt otherwise good people. GODSPEED TO YOU, your mission and others like you Sir Osborne!

  2. Me female 75 yr old from India. Frail With arthritis. I do long joint exercises taught in a hospital and now have stated rubbing caster oil on paining joint. I don’t consume chilled stuff. I take Losartan tablet daily once , a B complex tablets only. Feel ok. I am very scared of pain relieving medicines. Walking in mild sunlight is my daily routine

  3. Yes. I am a DC. I test patients and recommend lifestyle changes and nutritional supplements since 2008. I also give your book No Grain No Pain to my patients! Thank you for your work!!!

  4. Last doctors said side effects are rare…"but if you have a side effect, compe back and I'll give you something for the side effect" I smiled sarcasticly and said, no thank you.
    That was the year of 2017. Haven't seen a doctor since. I don't trust them.

  5. Dr. Osborne can you talk about in a video of why some people get neuropathy from B6 toxicity? There’s a couple of whole Facebook groups dedicated to people suffering for 6 months after taking high dose b6.

  6. Always love your content Dr O. Man, I live a healthy and clean life, but went on Diclofenac a few months ago after my first ever auto-immune flare up. I’m terrified to go off it as the symptoms were truly a nightmare. You have me considering B Vitamins now as an option to get off it. Any other thoughts would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for all your work.

  7. Is there anything that can be done for a person with faulty tendons. Not taking meds, only supplements like minerals inositol etc. surgery to open the channel to the nerves in elbows and still have some issues with pain numbness. Wrist is affected also

  8. Superb presentation Dr Osborne! 👏 the best information I have EVER come across to better understanding pain medication damage & nutritional deficiencies!! No one has explained it is such depth & clarity as you have!
    I'm making new positive changes from today onwards….
    Thank you you're saving my life ! 🙏🏼🙌❤

  9. At the end when he shared what other things to check out he did not put the links up. He pointed to the side, but they must have been invisible, as I didn't spot them.

  10. Your health is your responsibility, not your doctor's. Chronic diseases which are so rampant in USA are due, essentially, to lifestyle choices.

    Unfortunately, allopathic medicine is symptom-oriented, not looking into eradicating the cause of the symptoms.

    Thank you, Dr. Osborne!

  11. I have a friend who has been extremely damaged from prednisone. It damaged her endocrine system, caused diabetes, a “rare” cyst, edema, and degenerative bone disease to name a few. Yet, she continues to get the corticosteroids shots for pain, now has to take prednisone and insulin to survive. It is very sad.

  12. The first time I had a panic attack I went by ambulance to ER after 3.5 hours. Oxygen in ambulance helped, they gave me IV Xanax at the ER which swelled my tongue up and clamped my jaw shut. This was at 1030 or so at night. By 2am when I was getting discharged after benadryl and finally getting calmed down and somewhat back to normal other than a cracked tooth, they wrote a script for Xanax. I didn't bother to question it because I just wanted to go to bed. The person giving me a ride wanted to take me to the pharmacy and I was like not a chance. Lol. I had caught it, just didn't want to deal with it then. In hindsight, every doctor tied into that system that has looked back at my records winds up very confused and and I spend most of the appointment having to explain. Guess I should have said something, but I just wanted to sleep.

  13. The key is gaining knowledge above your own body. I wish all doctors were like you who want to fix the problems. I don't ever want to be on pharmaceutical drugs. Knowledge is power, live long and healthy. ❤

  14. You are so good, but recomend MSM, it detoxed my with Clorella and Spirulina, and supplementing trace minerals and eating fresh foid, no grain, and a lot of fresch lemon. And no, doctors didnt speak with me!
    And if the poop stays too long in the body, the detoxed parts go back or ared reabsored in the body…see Dr Gerson

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