New limits on medical marijuana kick in for Florida today | Action News Jax

Starting Monday, medical marijuana patients throughout Florida now have new limits controlling how much medicine they can be …


  1. Marijuana is medicine ? It causes brain damage , lung cancer , heart attacks , strokes and mental illness . What a freaking Joke . More people die now in car wrecks since itā€™s legalization. Ban this crap

  2. their ainā€™t state in America can grow more marijuana than Californiaā€¦..California is known as the marijuana state the first state to legalized medicinal marijuana back in 1996 šŸ˜ƒ

  3. the state of Florida can never out grow marijuana like California or have better marijuana than Californiaā€¦ in California not only we grow the best marijuana plant in america and we have the best marijuana in all of America and thatā€™s a 100% fact šŸ˜ƒ

  4. The weed in Florida Dispensaries is garbage anyways! They're selling low THC weed that doesn't get you high and the prices! No thank you I'll stick with my street pharmacist in Sanford!!

  5. I could barely buy a 1/4 Oz of concentrated over a 3 month period. I bought 6 grams of concentrates in December and can not buy anymore until February. That maxed me out in a week. I will go to the black market.

  6. You shouldn't smoke weed in the raw form that's just stupid you should do it in those f**** big a** balloon bags are just freaking do it good old fashioned way like the 2 Mexican dudes in the movie

  7. Bro it's literally crazy how much you get ripped off at a dispensary bro 1/2 the s**'s not even good believe me even if you go down to Colorado or California you gotta go to the right f***** place man

  8. Man even with 4 Oz it's not enough i get Calli bud from my connect when I run out it's sad man they keep fucking with us here in Florida hate this fucking place I'm in Miami sick of it to many people to much traffic

  9. On the street I only get a a half oz for $100 so I say 2 ozs every 30 days is pretty good. I can make a cupple of prerolls, take a few grams to make cooking hash and keep the rest for my bong.

  10. I have my MMC in FL and you can thank the doctors and ā€œpatientsā€ who were LITERALLY giving unlimited amounts of concentrates to people who clearly have no legit need and the patients buying huge amounts (500,000 mg+a day) and then selling it on the street(yes they were that dumb to tell the people in the dispo they were selling all their concentrateā€™s). The Governor has already signed for legalization so why people canā€™t just wait for legalization. They unfortunately ruined it for many legit mm patients.

  11. I love the weather in florida but you guys are still living in the 70's when it comes to weed. Weed is legal everywhere florida is really late.

  12. For those of us with legitimate chronic pain and illness, where only medical marijuana helps without side effects, this is not a joke. This is just more BS ways for the government to throw it's ** around. All they did was lose millions in the tax revenue the cut products would have brought in.
    I only use topicals and edibles, but some people, especially those with AIDS and Cancer, smokable Marijuana is the ONLY thing that helps relieve the horrible side effects caused by medications and radiation. So the people that suffer are those with debilitating, painful, diseases. The people that benefit are the drug dealers. GREAT JOB FLORIDA.

  13. "New limits" on medical marijuana in Florida, are a joke. Where I live, the smell of weed is "everywhere". Anyone in Florida who wants more weed than the law allows, will get it.

  14. Ok, so what? I can live with that. I'm just happy to make legal purchases. Go home and smoke in peace. Had my Florida MMU ID card going on 2years now. Rolling up another winner. šŸ¤Ŗ

  15. So sick of corrupt republicans ruining what Floridians vote for.

    If you vote for Republicans youā€™re a fascist, Republicans continuing to push their standards on the rest of Floridaā€™s citizens is why they get called fascist every time.

    Clearly Republicans donā€™t care about democracy.

    Will just go back to buying it on the black market and youā€™ll get zero tax dollars from it. Florida government is full of morons.

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