1. While you're in another country, it would be great to hear your observations about the people, the culture, their food, your interactions with them, what you recommend as far as sightseeing things to watch out for, etc

  2. careful out there. some of them are racist asf! especially if they think you're African & not African American. – I speak from multiple experiences of traveling out there in APAC lands. Many Thais don't even like when they visit Thailand because they do not treat people with any ounce of respect.

  3. I can't believe that you done that with the cigarette.
    BLK men do not be ignorant, being blk is difficult enough.
    Trump done many bad things if Obama done one of those things he would of never been president, even though Obama isn't blk even he could not slip up once.
    Unlike Trumps behaviour.
    Go abroad and absorb their culture ( 1 full year, no s3x ) get rid of your W3stern ways learn the language, and when you have learnt their language and customs, then look for a partner, knowing their language will open up a different level of partner, for you.
    Where do you want to raise your daughter ???
    Last Ninja #1

    Said it.

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