1. smfh, amerimutts literally can't fkn drive…. things you'd getting fined for in germany if you don't do them are concepts that are so alien to the average burger behind a wheel lmao….

  2. OMG! Boski, are you trolling us with your traffic comments? You know to make traffic flow the most optimal is to merge at the last possible moment of the zipper merge. AND motorcycles don't slow down traffic so let them split lanes or whatever. The key to being a good courteous driver is to not hinder other drivers.

  3. 3% is what Dutch Boyd told me leaves. No matter how big or little the payout. If there was a particular dealer you liked, the only way to tip them is to play cash and tip them when they deal your cash game. Otherwise the dealer will have to turn in any tips given directly to them as the tournament is a team effort.

  4. Your'e wrong about the lane thing. I used to think that way too but then I learned that's what you are supposed to do, it's called a zipper merge and is much more efficient.

  5. I am in Montreal and a few months back..someone won on the progressive poker here at our Gov;t run Casino..Royal Flush Spades..paid 3.1 million..tax free..not joking cause dealer's still talking about the $175 tip he gave to the dealer..on top of that because it was not in the Poker room..that tip is split amongst all the dealer's…lol..

  6. so lets say rake was 10% I subtract that from the 49G than I would take that number and subtract 30% for taxes than I would take whats left and tip 2%.

  7. Whattya know…a poker vlog that shows more card playing than coffee drinking. A poker vlog that talks about poker hands, not lollipops. A poker vlog that….I could go on and on. Nice fuckin' win in that tournament the other day. Happy for you, pal. Continued success.

  8. What is it with Shishito peppers being served with steaks in Vegas? In the last 4? years at least from my memory – every single decent steakhouse from MGM Grand to the Wynn serves Shishito peppers with their steaks? Someone plz fill me in on why this is now a prevalent thing?

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