Tennesseans getting high on new "legal weed" Delta-8

Delta-8 is a cannabinoid derived from hemp that is legally sold in Tennessee. The USDA’s Farm Bill allows the sale of Delta 8 …


  1. The only issue with delta 8 is that it’s unregulated, which means testing and things aren’t required. I work in an actual cannabis dispensary in Arizona and issues with delta 8/9 do come up

  2. Mood is a rip off there scammers don’t waste your money or time !! Customer support is a joke and there site is all lies there out of another state NOT Tennessee

  3. In my experience it’s garbage… go full spectrum. You get high off just delta 8 too much and you could develop CHS something of a hellish mythical overdose I’ve only gotten from delta-8 (I was on delta-8 for a minute too I was excited too not get hit with the dispensary tax)

  4. You just wait when they pass the law allowing Full use of Weed you will see a Decline in Workers at Restaurants or Smaller types of Jobs that the Weed Growers will Hire them for more money. But the thing is it’s still illegal Federally so the Money can’t be put into Banks because it’s against the Law. You will see a Decline in Most People who Use the Weed Products wether it be Joints, Pipes, Vapes or just plain old Rolled up Joints. The Farmers will not be ones Growing it that will be the Owners reaps the Wealth that comes with it. It absolutely Stinks terribly bad when the Plants start to Get Buds on them. Here in Michigan the State actually has been doing a decent job policing the Rules and Regulations when it comes to how the weed Is Packaged, they just Revoked a License of A Huge Nation wide Grower and Retail along with a $100,000 Dollar Fine for Not Properly Wording the Package, The Owners would give their Employees free Samples of a Newly Branded Product like Gummy Bears before they Market them to the Public. Well they mixed up the THC gummies with a Box of CDB Gummies. One of the Employees took some home for Her Husbands Arthritis in All of His Joints loll no Pun intended, The Lady gave one to Her Four Year Old Little not Knowing the difference between the Two Different Types of Dope in them THC vs CDG Gummies Bears. Well needless to Say that Her Pour little Baby Girl ate is Five Minutes later She Passed out and had to be rescued by the Paramedics who Treated Her on the way to the Hospital that Saved that little girl life. She spent a few Weeks in the Hospital recovering because She Almost Didn’t make. Michigan law provides for the Grower/Manufacturer, Retailer to Absolutely Not Packaging in anything that Resembles a Candy Packaging. So to me that was The Light side of Discipline. That Little Baby Girl could have Passed away because of Their Stupidity, they were probably Stoned of the Dope they were working with. We had an Instance back during the Winter during School a Mother Brought some home in a Attractive Package that look like candy but was Gummy Bears, so She Ate one then started handing them out to the Other Kids in Her Room, I believe it was (25) Twenty Five Children who all required Hospitalization. The Sad Part was Nothing other then a Written Apology to the Children along with Their Parents. Personally I think it’s a Huge Mistake Legalizing That Crap for any Use, it’s no Different then any other Dope to get Stoned because Life must be that Bad that they have to be High 24 hrs. a Day. I am not going to lie but I did try a Gummy it’s was 100 mg. Which for me who Don’t do Dope was Way Too Strong. As a Fireman for 23 Years Retired since (2013) Two Thousand Thirteen. I will have One Beer with Supper once in a While. But Too Each their Own It’s Supposed to be a Free Country so although I Do Not Condone the Use wether Medical or Recreational use. The Bottom Line for Me is I Believe Our Government is Allowing all the Drugs Brought into Our Country because My Thoughts are if You Keep a Society Doped Up so much so that as They The Dopers can Have Access to any Street Drugs or Prescription Drugs, The Compromised Leaders in Place Will Absolutely Get Rich Allowing all these and More to Go On and On. They can park a Bus In front of their Homes without anyone saying a Word. Especially This Administration who seems to be Hell Bent on Letting China come take over Our Country. But for Me Never will Happen when we have Young Gran Babies. 4, 8, and 10 Next Year with The Lord Gods Allowing Us To Buy a MotorHome to Travel in but not too Big so we are Looking into a Van Style Front End, which would allow us and maybe The Grand Babies to Travel and Sleep Comfortably….. My Beautiful Loving Wife can Drive it also big enough to take our Two Children with Us while Traveling Some place in The Us. But as long as One Flew over The Cookoo Nest is in Office we want to play it pretty close Too Home so if we are needed to Help Out Our Fellow Man or Women then We Definitely want to be Close By either that at Home. I just feel like we need to travel as soon as We Can because I am not getting any better, I hurt everyday in my Legs and Knees. I need to Quit talking is what I do talk.

  5. Be careful with these new cannabinoids popping up. Most are made in a lab with extremely volatile acids. D8 is naturally occurring, but how they are making d8 and other cannabinoids is not natural. This results in ALOT of the market being just as dangerous as bm carts if not more. I was experimenting for about a year and now i have seizures, which weed is supposed to help not trigger. Never had issues on d9 flower. I am sure with some real rules and regulations the bad batches can be filtered out. But until then we’re putting our faith in “third party testing” that doesn’t even test for heavy metals or any of the things that need to be tested. And some are straight up falsifying. Im all for legalization but we need sure fire evidence these products are safe and laws to protect us from getting bad ones on the shelf at all. THCO is a synthetic cannabinoid. Yall remember the spice craze? Please be careful trying new drugs. Maybe an unpopular/unrealistic opinion but I believe we should have stores everywhere for testing products like this just as much as we do vape shops/smoke shops selling them.

  6. The question is, how many man-made chemicals are introduced in the growth of marijuana today on the commercial level? How safe is it to use genetically modified chemicals in the growth of commercial marijuana? If people start showing signs of respiratory conditions or cancer, do we blame the plant or do we blame the manufacturing process?

  7. .03 percent, ain't nobody getting high on this stuff. Haha! In California we have cannabis that's in the 20s and 30s percentage, even saw one that's over 40 percent. This stuff is a ripoff. I'd have to take about a thousand tokes of this crap to equal 1 toke of what I already use. We also have concentates that can be in the upper 90s percentile.

    This crap is a waste of time and money

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