Three Signs Your Mania Is Coming (The Manic Prodrome)

What are the early signs that you’re getting ready to have a manic episode? We call these early signs the prodrome. Being able to …


  1. My husband has this and when he starts acting odd and different from how he normally acts I know something is brewing and I myself aren't able to have a normal feeling conversation with him. It's hard to connect as normal and he's the same guy but not at the same time. And his sleep is wonky and he always has some kind of idea. Since he's a man of little words, when he gets in the manic stage, it's very noticeable like night and day. My kids love it though because he becomes so animated with them and storytime is a blast because he gets so into it but it's still bizarre in a way. The night and day difference intrigues me and I can't imagine what is happening in his mind at the time.

  2. I wished I could get some in Ottawa that understands all these in detail like you do and can explain it this well. I still haven’t received help and the right medication 😢

  3. This scares me because I recognize my sleep pattern is off right now, if I even take one of my sleeping pills, which usually work, but I still can't fall asleep, I take another one and then it works, but by then it's like 5 in the morning and I end up sleeping late and beat myself up over it. That's the hardest part for me is judging myself after a manic episode, particularly if I spend a lot of money on my credit card to start a new business and I don' go through with it. Unfortunately, I can't get a doctor's appointment right away, but I do have persons around me who ask me questions and check in on me and I'm glad for that because my mania can come fast and hard and it's true, I mostly block out any advice, but I'm sick of beating myself up afterward, that is really the hardest part because I'm continually asking myself what is real, can I do this thing or not, do I really want to do this thing or not? It gets very confusing and that's depressing in and of itself.

  4. How I know mania MIGHT be coming is when I feel hypomanic, and how I know I'm hypomanic is not when I stop sleeping necessarily, because I always have sleep disturbances, but when I stop being concerned at all that I'm not sleeping, and start feeling like I function better with no sleep. It's also a bit embarrassing to say, but I get this feeling that I'm, overall, just insanely sexy, and feel like everyone is checking me out.

  5. Manic Episode:

    Feelings & Behaviors

    1. Superpower
    2. Audacity
    3. Decreased need to sleep. YOU DONT FEEL THE NEED TO SLEEP.
    4. Increased activity. ie. work more, hypersexuality, severe exploration of a topic/activity.
    5. Engaging or re engaging in activities with intensity.
    Schedule sleep for 6+ hours
    Plan & Schedule Routines
    Stick to your routines

  6. Mania is terrifying. This is a good video for the warning signs. I went years being misdiagnosed with major depression /general anxiety disorder because I just had hypomanias. A few years after I got dxd I went on adderall for adhd symptoms. In a month I was truly manic. Never want to be there again.

  7. i think I'm in a manic episode right now and idk why but i realized early and i used it to apologize to people ive been meaning to
    i feel like im hacking my mind lol

  8. My last mania progressed in few months and after that i had burn out which gave birth to a complete mania. It was real hellish nightmare. But The meds i should take makes me complete passive. Thats why i dont eat my meds anymore. But it comes with a downside. Everything stressfull can make me out of control. But it mostly happens on darkest time of winter and on beginning of summer.

  9. after my lowest low meaning I about off myself my body for some reason said 5pm to 1am is my sleep don't know why that time but I have been on it for 2 months and I have been great. Now that I have a sleep schedule I can see if I get into a mania cause before i never had a sleep schedule before.

  10. Why do they always find my recently diagnosed Bi polar disorder 26 year old son, naked? Why does a person think that taking his or her clothes off in public is the best idea?

  11. I get really energetic and in a good mood which last a few days to maybe a week. And then 2-3 days of depression and feeling like shit. Noticed I been feeling pretty okay lately and I been awake now for almost 24 hours so I’m probably gonna have another manic episode soon but at least I know now.

  12. thank you so much for the info for i have been dealing with bi polar since a teen and no one really explain things to me about this issue they just put me on different meds. along with our mental health personals are not many in my area so there's that

  13. I always tell myself that life is always about experiences and overcoming obstacles… right now, F life. I don't want to do this anymore. I'm tired of going too high… cause I know the fall is going to be even harder. I see the beauty in everything, the potential we hold and the universe in constant motion, opening itself up for you if you allow it. It's just so painful when you're in the middle of everything and love life so much that you can't imagine why you've had those dark days… to suddenly losing access to all of it, sitting in a dark desolate empty void as a hollow shell of yourself watching yourself. I'm here, I'm aware. Just please kill me god

  14. Like sometimes this is like how I get like here there with most girls i like or gf 😊 at least like oh my God I did this with this girl like three times and the poor thing I know now I'm probably never going to talk with her again but like the first two times she was just so understanding and it just made me fall for a harder but she had this f**** little thing of just leaving messages that would just trigger me and have me like steaming and just like my girl like it's not going to be right now but but then like I just wait for the right moment where I felt like it was appropriate where it to meet explain it then I'd always end up being like when you sent me like cake you that one time like f**** in the random text at like 3 in the morning like what the f*** are you doing like I get like that and it's pretty bad like oh my good lord it's like I'll never f**** fine like any kind of relationship living like that

  15. I declutter. This is my initial sign; I want to get rid of EVERYTHING. When I come down, I want to leave the country and start a new life. This is all within a week and then I’m fine again.

  16. I feel like I have a manic episode but my docs and therapist question it. Mine seems like I'm undefeatable. I'm God level at my job. I'm invincible at Billiards; my hobby. I feel like im above others in my line of work and no one can tell me anything cus I've done it so long. And then a few months go by and I'm a mess.

  17. For me with my bipolar my mania makes me feel like I’m being chased or followed, or like I’m being watched. So I’ve learned to constantly have noise either in my ear, or on tv.

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