Not that I know of. Usually means yes๐๐๐ . And I can't believe he couldn't tell it was a man. The body isn't right, neither is the voice. How much did he have to drink??
man, poor Larry serving his whole life in jail and first trying drugs at 8 years old because of bad home life… nobody deserves that life. I wish him the best
The cop in the first one is such a pos. Look how proud he is hes giving people felonys and destroying their lives for pot. I hate cops like that. Superhero pot stopper. I bet dude hits the bar after work and gets drunk while telling his buddies how he ruined someone's life over a quarter of pot.
I like cops but quit bombarding questions. They dont have one second to start an answer and you have question about something else. Waste of time get them to jail, court prison or whatever and stop other crimes.
23:26 the guy said he may have had too many drinks and didn't know that was a dude dressed up as a woman and the officer just lets him drive away? Sir if you had too many drinks and cannot tell the difference I don't think you need to be driving anywhere ๐๐๐
Waste of time and money. No one who uses drugs care what the laws are. Specially opiates because the pharmaceutical companies made this epidemic of addicts.
Waste of time and energy
They need to do this to members of Congress and Senate if they want real change
Pfizer sells more dope in a day then Pablo Escabar did in a year
Nobody gets a felony for a little weed anymore.
8:00 Let me tell you something, we all make mistakes…now make a bigger mistake by admitting to a cop what you just did in front of cameras..
The whole I smell marijuana is the biggest bullcrap. Its not even bad for you yet they advertise alcohol.
Not that I know of. Usually means yes๐๐๐ . And I can't believe he couldn't tell it was a man. The body isn't right, neither is the voice. How much did he have to drink??
Hahaha "didnt know it was a guy nor that there were drugs"….changes his name legally, only talks to his mom who believes him, & relocates to Alaska
We are they searching the guys truck?
2:42 JUST for weed. A felony.
First cops were d*cks
man, poor Larry serving his whole life in jail and first trying drugs at 8 years old because of bad home life… nobody deserves that life. I wish him the best
Dude tells the cop he had too many to drink, proceeds to drive away. Lol. WTF.
The cop in the first one is such a pos. Look how proud he is hes giving people felonys and destroying their lives for pot. I hate cops like that. Superhero pot stopper. I bet dude hits the bar after work and gets drunk while telling his buddies how he ruined someone's life over a quarter of pot.
22:50 NEVER talk to the cops I am surprised he let the guy go after admitting he "had too much to drink" and that he did not know the woman was a man!
I feel very very sad for Larry man !
I like cops but quit bombarding questions. They dont have one second to start an answer and you have question about something else. Waste of time get them to jail, court prison or whatever and stop other crimes.
23:26 the guy said he may have had too many drinks and didn't know that was a dude dressed up as a woman and the officer just lets him drive away? Sir if you had too many drinks and cannot tell the difference I don't think you need to be driving anywhere ๐๐๐
Why did you let them search your car? Those tests are inaccurate.
my life my choice i dont need a seatbelt its my choice they only care because they lose tax revenue when you die
Its sad that all states haven't legalized weed.
Thank Goodness someone is doing something to help these people.
32:15 Unjustified force against a teen. Charges dismissed.
26:55 Threatening to injure the suspect? If I was on the jury, the cops just blew it right there.
19:30 What a joke, being questioned just because they were walking down the street.
Dude need to put down the cigar and go on a diet asap!
LMAO imagine arresting people for weed. Cringeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
1/2 of these arrests will be tossed due to crooked cops, guaranteed.
Waste of time and money. No one who uses drugs care what the laws are. Specially opiates because the pharmaceutical companies made this epidemic of addicts.