Town Hall: Medical Cannabis Concerns

Our Town Hall: Medical Cannabis Concerns takes an in-depth look at the fight to legalize medical cannabis in Alabama that …


  1. There are no valid arguments against completely ending cannabis prohibition. – Science and widespread experience have shown cannabis has no notable harms. Even non-medical, adult consumption has medical benefits. Every person who chooses near harmless cannabis over addictive, very harmful alcohol, improves their health significantly – as well as the lives of their family and community. — Cannabis was FRAUDULENTLY prohibited in 1937 by soon to be out of work alcohol prohibition bureaucrat, Harry Anslinger. He desperately wanted a new empire and no lie was too big to tell to get it. Before that big con job on Americans, cannabis was a common ingredient in many U.S. medicines. – Legalization has never caused problems in any of the 23 re-legalized states – only vast improvements. – It's amazing to hear these "officials" cry about the money being made, automatically ascribing "corruption" to it. — They completely ignore that all that money was going to criminals before. Now THAT'S corruption! – Cannabis is not alcohol. The preponderance of the research shows cannabis consumption is not a significant cause of auto accidents. — In 2015, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), found that while drunken driving dramatically increased the risk of getting into an accident, there was no evidence that using cannabis heightened that risk. — The U.S. Drug Czar's own commissioned 1999 study of marijuana, conducted by the prestigious Institute of Medicine concluded the "gateway" theory is just a myth that does not operate in reality. This has been confirmed by every legitimate study since then.

  2. It's a plant, literally anyone can grow it. Hell it'll probably stop people from using meth, morphine and opiates that they get off the street spiked with all sorts of stuff. Worried about drug dealers? Not a problem, anyone who wastes all their money paying dealers will quickly see that they can just start a little garden in their yard and have a couple plants. I'd rather every crackhead be a stoner, and every drug dealer become a farmer. And to make it a bonus, put all the sales tax the state makes on it straight into schools. Weed=tax money, tax money=better schools. We still have kids learning from 50 year old books.

  3. Legalize cannabis federally within each and every state. This way, irrational prohibitionist politicians can't obstruct and prevent legalization against the will of the vast majority of Americans whom support full federal cannabis legalization nationwide. Treat cannabis exactly like we treat far more dangerous and deadly yet perfectly legal alcohol. Legal in all states.

  4. This entire issue is absolutely ridiculous! They want to allow medical marijuana use?!? In the form of gummies or, yay, suppositories!! Really?? Is this not just allowing the pharmaceutical companies a cut? I keep hearing money mentioned – e.g. huge industry, corruption, banks not allowed, etc. etc. – and the only thing I can think is….the decriminalization of a plant that can be grown in the soil (I don't know a lot of "addicts" tending their gardens) & used for an individuals own needs would be the obvious choice for the country. Ohhhh!! But, who's going to make a profit, eh? Marijuana is not addictive, the side effects are minimal & short in duration, and should have never left the earth it grew upon. Lies have allowed an entire generation to fall prey to a pharmaceutical cornucopia of deadly toxins. I do not believe Alabama's "medical marijuana" bill to be anything but an extension of this. Psst….by the way, I haven't "smoked pot" since I was out of college (over 20 years ago) & am devastated by what my child's generation is being offered – synthetic liquids burned inside plastic chinese junk or unknown chemicals sprayed on unidentified plants from other countries. How is this not an eye opener for anyone debating this topic. How is criminalizing "plants" creating better communities?? It's not. If an addict wants a substance, they'll buy, steal, manufacture, or beg…it will exist in many, many forms already produced in a lab, The world needs to wake up to the madness they have created.

  5. It doesn't affect my driving. Alcohol is the true Problem. Nobody cares for the ppl with💜 Epilepsy 💜 Hopefully Kennedy Jr will legalize medical marijuana for Epilepsy 💜

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