1. Don't get me wrong I'll be happy when it is legal but mostly don't worry if it's not cause i do exactly as I see fit. I don't allow the government to tell me how to live. Obviously it'll be better to have not to have to worry tho

  2. Cannabis prohibition is too important of a tool for the federal government. They love it because it's a way for them to usurp constitutional rights and further the prison industrial complex. It's really that simple.

  3. Anything regulated and controlled by the government is a no bueno. This programmed human race of beings on this planet is beyond disgusting. Anything to give daddy government more money and more power.

  4. It would legal by now if government could control it and figure out how to tax and control it….big pharma fighting against legalization is a whole new discussion

  5. Should have never been made illegal in the first place alcohol hurts more people and kills more people than marijuana could ever think of doing I have yet to hear someone overdose on marijuana and I it's impossible the only way you can die from marijuana is if it's laced with something else

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