Will marijuana be legalized on the federal level? | FOX 5's In The Courts

FOX 5’s Katie Barlow discusses President Biden’s pardoning of marijuana possession convictions and how the system has …


  1. Cannabis should be legal everywhere stop making people felons and putting them in the system if you want to jail someone go get the owners of alcohol and fine them everytime someone gets killed by driving drunk or alcohol poisoning.

  2. GOD said to legalize ALL drugs.
    Congress,YOU above all people down here know that God has said and used EVEN me to show you that your doing your people wrong by not letting people have meds to go to work and just feel better.
    I'd HATE to know that the people in prison are for our people more than the ones with power.
    I'll tell you this,IF YOU can find ANYONE to debate me on this issue I will show up "high as a kite"to make you look like you don't know what you are doing.It could be that you are ignorant on this issue but I am not

  3. you can smoke a couple of miles from the white house. they can choose to enforce it federally but dont and yet they still don't legalize it federally. too much gov funding is "needed" for the DEA.

  4. What people should do in this country should do is what they did in Canada stop taking stupid laws such as this on seriously and sell it openly anyway the law making it illegal will eventually go away.

  5. Weed is NOT the reason for the recruitment crisis nor is fitness standards. Its your restrictions on prescription medications past or present. Stop evaluating people solely on a fricken ASVAB test.

  6. Legalize cannabis and apply the laws used to regulate alcohol toward it. No intoxication and driving( "looking high" doesnt qualify) no sales without a license, no cannabis near schools, no distribution to a minor etc!! If these laws are applied and enforced they WILL work. Oh shoot, if our government cared about "drugs" they wouldnt leave the borders open. Its about money and control and ignorant citizens continue to empower the federal government. Take a moment people and look at the Convention of States.

  7. It's amazing that "we the people " will just follow along like uneducated beasts. Out government has had multiple chances to stop the blatant lies. If Nixon had listened to his very own Schaffer commission he would have ended this nonsense. ANY politician who doesn't legalize it should NOT be trusted at all because either they refuse to educate themselves in the truth OR they know the truth and are weilding cannabis for their own selfish agendas!!! Yes, Nixon found one dr to state that cannabis should remain illegal but the majority of the commission was very vocal that Marijuana had no business being on the schedule 1 list much less remain illegal.

  8. If the majority of citizens want Marijuana use legalized, how are the officials for this state not following what the people want? It's not up to them its up to us. They need to realize this? We vote them in and we vote them out. What's the problem? How can people dismiss the legalization ballots? That would be far more illegal than pot. I know for a fact the legalization of Marijuana has come up. They are hiding it from being voted on. Very illegal. Can't trust these people then we need stop paying for them to tell us what to do. Govt has made themselves more important than what they are. Period. What about in South Dakota where the majority voted yes for recreational Marijuana. Then what happened ol' Kristi Noem trumped the decision saying her statutory laws trumped constitutional law. Can't trust them.


  10. Actually, as an ex cop I can honestly say 10th amendment, in other words state law supersedes federal law.. just saying..its sad that grown men and women seek permission from other grown men and women to ither defend themselves or to use marijuana for any reason when we already have permission for these things that was given by the highest court..fact is whether you believe in the bible or not, God.., you know the juge of judges says that he gave all seed bearing plants and herbs to use.. and I personally will not bend a knee to any flesh and blood man. All of the things like it's a gateway drug or its dangerous.. that is uneducated things to say. There are alot of healing properties to marijuana. Cigarettes and alcohol are more dangerous that marijuana. Marijuana is a seed bearing plant that is considered an herb. All of these bad things about marijuana are what you call grooming and propaganda and the people that just follow these lies without doing thier own research are apart of the problem. And it has nothing to do with race.. stop bringing race into everything to push an agenda.. it is pathetic.

  11. We need to pressure the feds. The same way the LGBT pressured the government to be “inclusive” then we as Americans should pressure the government

  12. I'm all for this they need to keep it illegal. My baby brother started on weed then he went to harder shit. If he would have never smoked weed I feel like he would have never got on any of the other crap. And I personally don't care if marijuana helps you. If you use it for pain or whatever you know that's all on you. But a lot of people don't realize any kind of smoke whatsoever is not good for your lungs but the fact that people do it anyway just baffles me. But what the hell do I know right I'm not a doctor.

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