1 Drop…Cleanses Lungs, Reduces Mucus & Improves Airflow! Dr. Mandell

Oregano contains compounds like carvacrol and terpenes that help cleanse the lungs. It can also help reduce inflammation and …


  1. ALERT…Please be aware that there are people trying to impersonate myself using my picture and similar name pretending to be me. My name has been verified (and will show a dark color around it) and there will always be a check next to it. They are making comments and leaving contact information for you to respond to. They are sometimes mentioning WhatApp phone numbers, Telegram, and other Platforms. They commonly will try to sell you some type of therapy or herbs. Please Do Not send money in any way for services, for consulting, charity, and donations. Only deal with a reputable company. Many people have been scammed already unfortunately. Please report these people. Thank you.
    P.S.- If you have any doubt of the post you are reading always click on their picture and you can look at their page. You will notice in this situation there will be little or no content.

  2. I had a pretty bad sore throat an felt miserable. I took some dry oregano, and put some in a 1/3 cup of water in a pot and boiled it. Once it cooled down. I drained the leaves, and put it in a hot mug and used it in the bathroom to gargle. I did it several times, and even swallowed some of it. I slept all night long, no congestion in my head, no sore throat, no sinus issues. Slept like a wee baby! The next morning I had a small breakfast, no sweet stuff, and somewhere around 2pm, I took a glass (from the frig) and drank about 1/2 glass of the oregano. I drank it all day long, till it was gone. In 24 hours, my lungs felt great, no more stuffed head, could breath, and whatever pain I had was gone! That stuff is great! You should try it! I didn't have fresh, the dry kind was perfect for boiling!

  3. Number of low IQ , Google college light educated yoyos is staggering .
    "Not to be used or relied on for any diagnostic or treatment purposes. " What part of that sentence you didn't get , dummy ?

  4. I might actually try this. The thing is that if I took every susbtance this guy recommends I'd be spending about $1k a week on alternative medicines and I'd be rattling with all the pills I was taking. If he sold his own brand Iwould be even more wary. Snake oil salesmen have done well throughout history and probably never better than these days. How does one differentiate between real and fake? This guy seems to be legit, but he does seem to suggest a LOT of remedies that he goes on to recommend for "everyone". How many more substances do we need? Apologies for the negatity, I don;t mean it that way. Would be great to see a video on what we DON'T need!

  5. I have been spraying car paints and furniture paints for a while and dealing with the wood dust at the workshop. Now im really now we'll. but let me try this. thank you very much.

  6. Thank you as always Doctor Mandela! I do suffer with these at times and it unfortunately did develop into pneumonia. I have tried many things to prevent them from ever returning. What do you think of the herb coltsfoot? I heard it’s really good for respiratory infections?

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