10 Mistakes to Avoid When Training Cannabis Plants!

Ten mistakes to avoid when training your cannabis plants First, let’s give you some advice if you haven’t done any cannabis plant …


  1. @Cannabis Experts : If you top Auto's Early on the 2nd true node (to achieve 4 growing tips) you can do this usually with no problems at all. Some Auto Strains that stretch more in early flower can actually increase yields by doing this. It's not really worth doing with Indica dominant strains though. (I would still LST auto indicas though.) I LST everything.

  2. Hey i got a question. If the plant is turning the leaf's yellow at the bottom with brown spots and the others are starting to do this what could it be. I'm only using Alaska fish fertilizer should i add something to stop this or is it a bug?. Its a outdoors bucket plant ive put mite dust all that on it and there still doing this.

  3. Last year I grew 12 mature plants femals and they all were 6ft or taller did (l.s.t.) low stress training and topped every side branches tops they got heavier than expected and with the bad weather we had up north the wind blew down my frost shelter ND broke 6 of the plants 🪴 😑 tops completely off 2 weeks before harvest it was a massive disaster but managed to get 9lbs and a half out of the 6 remaining and the other 6 that broken and died so I definitely agree with the support methods you our using in this video but what other support methods other than bamboo stakes etc.

  4. I top my plant at the five node as soon as I can. My plants go 10 feet high by 3:09 10 feet wide. With huge budds. I think if you use the biggest amount of soil you can will produce the biggest plants. Pots restrict the roots. You want big beautiful plants use a lot of dirt or soils. Caw,sheep,pig,chicken, mix it up and add your bone and blood, nitrogen,potassium,calcium,molasses, and micro fertilizer. Watch them grow 8” in a day. In ever direction lol. Piece ✌️I have toons on all day, I think they love my selections.

  5. Anyone got a good beginner guide? Most guides are too short or using terms that are left unexplained that a beginner grower doesnt understand

  6. Well Obviously this is for indoor growing only….I believe people have forgotten that cannabis is a “weed”…my opinion…when growing outside leave it the heck alone!!…I grow many …I never touch ‘em until harvest time😎🙋🏻‍♂️

  7. Cannabis experts?? I'm in doubt of that. Your plant doesnt grow more leaves than what it needs for it's environmental conditions. Topping doesnt produce more bud than leaving it alone. Proven fact.. defoliating to get light to lower buds should only be done after top buds are harvested.

  8. Can anyone answer me? I couldn't find it anywhere! When should i top my autoflower? 18/6 schedule, when the lights are off or when the led light are on? Before turning led light on or before after turning it off?

  9. I left a plant pulled and hanging in my greenhouse for a year. The sun bleached it, but it still looks ok, other than dry. Can you tell me if it is still any good? Thank you:) Love the simple video. I have a card, but only grow one to three at a time, never more. This one slipped by. Id like to use it if its still ok.

  10. Defoliation during flower is not bad for the plant, it's necessary for air flow and open light below your canopy. You don't want to go nuts, but strategic.

  11. You're wrong like animals everything on the planet has a thinking brain and lately deer have been running up to people and just look back where they came from makes you wonder what is in the forest that is terrifying the animals that much must be something we don't know about

  12. Ignore your dog or pet see what happens plants are living breathing entities…..they need communication not just touch but communication as well through speech 😀😃💯💯

  13. Breathing on your plants is Part of S.O.P’ s; So No your not the only person talking by training plants communication is key in any relationship💯💯💪🏿he was trying to be funny we get it haha yet he spit out some arguably information.😢, but you caught it You deserve a 💯❌💯🥂💥💥😀😀😀your training them to be happy 😃

  14. Have to disagree about Defoliating in flower, because it actually significantly helps the yield by letting the plants focus energy on budding and not keeping yellow leaves that have had all their nitrogen used up.

  15. De-leafing/thinning your plants in flower doesn't hammer your yield. You're supposed to do a fairly heavy thinning around week 3 of flower to not only provide more light to shaded out bud sites but to also help the nutrients get to the buds more effectively as there won't be big shade leaves robbing part of the food every time you water.

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