1,000 cannabis farms raided in a month

Biggest police crackdown on cannabis farms sees more than 1000 arrests Credit: Bedfordshire Police and Thames Valley Police …


  1. Hard to believe that the UK, country that takes pride in being modern and progressive, can be so backward when it comes to cannabis.
    Especially when alcohol, which kills millions times more than weed, is basically promoted as a national sport here.
    That good old imperialist spirit..

  2. Won't stem the flow in the slightest. If anything it'll raise the prices and the criminals will take in more tax free money.

    If you legalized it today, by mo day every weed dealer in the country would be out of business and the country would have a lot more tax money to play with.

  3. So possibly might be a good idea to regulate and control with a legal framework to separate recreational over 18 yo use from the medical prescription side and therefore stopping the criminal activities……or is there a dark conspiracy to keep criminals involved ? I wonder.think of all the costs of this to tax payers…best not look into it to deeply as going to find some evil government scam to siphon money to their rich buddies in the private and public partnerships I would imagine….peace ❤

  4. Almost sounds like they gained access to a the records of a hydro shop (or delivery records from couriers)… Probably idiots paying on credit cards and the vendor/processor/courier handed over all the details!

  5. Good job. You achieved nothing except driving up the price for the consumer.
    Why not enjoy a nice pint of alcohol after work for this excellent job you effing hypocrites.

  6. So the UK is the biggest producer of cannabis produced for 'medical purposes' being exported around the world with companies and the government who legalised it making millions. The government also spends millions taking out the competition it seems making it illegal to the average joe unless you get it through them. People actually voted for this lol.

  7. Meanwhile, lots of people have been robbed, burgled, assulted, eraped, and worse and they were lucky if one of you could spare 5 mins away from tarting about with rainbow clad degenerates to turn up. Clown force.🤡

  8. How to waste tax payers £ and simultaneously accomplish nothing.
    You want to crack down on illegal cannabis use and its funding of gangs??
    Make it legal… tax it…

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