1. fascinating facts! quick add about limonene: recent research suggests it has a multiplier effect on THC potency, measured by increased activity at the CB1 receptors.

  2. Nice piece of info.
    I noticed most medical strains in the Uk
    Mention a major & minor terp profile, but doesnt state the terps benefits
    This vid helped clear up my concerns

  3. i really appreciate the content. i really dont like the dull power point presentation vibes, that exhausts my motivation and receptivity very quickly. non the less i am thankfull for it.

  4. The cannabis terpenes cover-up continues. Its like only legacy growers and ppl who went to university specifically to learn terpenes get to understand the broad use of terpenes. I mean this video covers 13 of 150 terpenes and that's not even to mention the entourage effect between cannabinoids, flavinoids and terpenes.

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