A User’s Guide To Cannabis As a Psychedelic Medicine w/ Ryan Sprague

Cannabis is not the ‘gateway’ psychedelic. It is also disrespectful to call it weed. The right cannabis in the right context is one of …


  1. Weird how weed can actually help with a lot of things like anxiety depression but again there are stuff that actually makes you anxious and paranoid. So what's actually in there lol

  2. 1:00:28 Next level growing (all plants) : this walks parallel with Anastasia's way from the books of Vladimir Megre. Put your soul en energy into the soil and plants – in all you are doing 🙏
    Check the books

  3. I don't know if it's just me, but if cannabis is legal in so many countries and it's good for medicinal purposes. Then why OH WHY is it illegal in other places, it's like I can watch people on youtube smoking in America etc and it's perfectly legal. But massively frowned upon in the UK and massively Illegal. It really fucks with my mind and makes me think it's just a plant that can be grown like any other plant in the world.

  4. a bit superficial to compare it to other psychadelics given the cells are literally made of cannabinoids eg 2AG, it reduces HPA ie fear, predator threat response, stopped suicidal psychosis for months on effexor XR150..in an instant..very useful for trauma to disassociate, yet also process trauma vs just hurt and confused. main difference is broadspectrum effects vs hyping one receptor like MDMA or maybe serotoninergic and adrenergic, which artificially increase volume of neurotransmission, almost make a fake happy which is fine for few who are lifted to success, rest are like guy who thinks he's a rockstar..but then again manyverysuccessful muso's use too.. hence Jazz cigarettes .. you'rea bit biased hanging around rogan..hardcore.. i hung around nimbin/byron/mullum chemical headsvs organic volcanic very obvious fake vs real, fake needs to be the cool guru.. real guru's have no ego just purpose / peace of self actualisation vs chaos fun kidult games.. but always entertaining to watch woo.. your mate's agency not keen on the herb either..stops fear based mind control,, their weapon of choice .. good luck to the dumb smuck's living on la laland until fantasy hits homelessness.. we see the footage even in australia in the M K Ultra drugged towns like san fran.. not sure advice is widely applicable but for those with affluenza, obviously still needing ketamine isn't a sign of cure or success.. at least you toned down your bragging about f ing.. your poor wife

  5. The way you explain how cannabis is feminine energy. A woman dancing with a man needing to guide her… that hit me hard as I’m struggling with the relationship I have with it. But the way you explain it has brought peace in knowing I can absolutely have a heather relationship with her.

  6. With all due respect, you get this deep into connection with source but you haven’t been told yet that the legal world has 0 control over us… it claims men and women as property to apply it’s laws (service corporations) to men and women without their consent. Break through and find ultimate simple truth. We born free and cause no wrong or harm to anyone, if you do, that’s when the court houses ran by we the people are where you get justice from a jury of your peers… seek the truth in natural “natures” law , love you all my brothers and sisters. Narrow is the path to truth

  7. The changes in perspective he describes can be had with lots of plants. Reishi, holy basil. I've tried all kinds of things but the "subtle" plants had the most impact. Especially with the observer perspective.

  8. Truth! So many benefits to it. Anyone who thinks it’s addictive has no self control and needs to learn to control your thoughts, I’ve been smoking everyday for 13 years and regularly stop cold turkey for weeks at a time and have no withdrawals or side effects. I will never fully quit, Way to many benefits

  9. Aubrey, I absolutely love your videos, and appreciate how much you are bringing out higher awareness of spirituality, and also the positive side of cannabis. I would like to in my own way try to bring awareness of these things on my channel. Could I have permission to use the audio of "Cannabis As Medicine & End Of Life" and make a cartoon version of it on my channel. I will give you credit, as well as add a link to your Youtube channel.

  10. Breathwork is the master key to all of these experiences. Plant medicine isn’t necessary for those that are truly illuminated. The plants have their place, but in the end it’s all about the individual.

  11. Well, ok.. I'm in the middle right now (quite interesting!, thanx for sharing folks 🙂 but since you mentioned John Hopkins playlist etc., here is a suggestion: the album "Movements by Solar Fields (or Solar Fields in general)" ..in case you accidentally ingested some psychoactive molecules, flowers and whatnot. Prepare your mind to be blown..! Cheers

  12. Brothers .. my younger brother committed suicide last year after struggling with Cannabis addiction. He told me that after listening to talks like this he got swayed to using Cannabis. He suffered from Psychosis and many young adult men in the City of the Hague are addicted and get on the path of Schyzofrenia and a life of brainfog after Cannabis use. Many local doctors tell me that Cannabis enhances trigger risk for Psychosis in genetically predisposed males.

    So having said all this, you laughingly and swagfully call Cannabis your sacrament, can you not imagine how this comes across with families who suffer loss of family members because of such relativistic talk like you are presenting here? Why the profane language by the way? Fucking this fucking that ..🤷🏽?

    Are you trying to sound cool and hip?

    I have listened to several of your podcasts and yes I do enjoy some and can see sincerity in what you are doing.

    But now I am doubtfull.

    I look forward to a response and take this very seriously.

  13. Loved this perspective!
    Just wanted to add the “ hang up the phone” quote was by Alan Watts.. i’ve had to keep that reminder embedded in my psyche lol

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