1. I had my first weed overdose from a cart/ pen. I had taken a long break from it because it always feels better when you have a low tolerance and don't have to take that much. BUT, the night before I had a terrible day. Not gonna get into the details of it but I had recently gotten a new cart I had never tried before and decided to hit it after 3 months of being sober. Unfortunately, 1 or 2 hits wasn't enough. My day was so bad I just needed to forget so I kept taking more hits. Each one longer than the last. It felt nice at first, the normal way you tend to feel after taking a few hits. But when I thought I had already reached my peak it turns out I was only about 30% through the full force of the high. It didn't hit until about 10-15 minutes later. I started shaking uncontrollably to the point I couldn't stand. Then, the hallucinations. Nothing felt real. In my mind I was dying. I kept having these vivid hallucinations of when I was a child, things I thought I had completely forgotten about. Evetime, I came back to reality from the visions a puddle of vomit grew on the floor next to me. I don't remember throwing up, only the terrible taste in my mouth. Still shaking violently, I would wonder in and out of consciousness.
    I'm not sure how high I still was but eventually I had a MASSIVE panic attack. I hadn't had one of those in years. Not sure how long the attack was but it felt like hours. When the panic attack stopped, I went back to hallucinating, for some reason I kept seeing myself getting rushed to a hospital. I know it wasn't a memory. I had never been to the hospital before. But it felt so real. Throughout the whole thing I remember feeling tears rolling down my face and mumbling "help me." My body was so exhausted from the ordeal I eventually fell asleep. When I woke up, I was confused to find myself on the floor of my room next to the puddle of vomit. The hospital felt so real I expected to wake up in a gown connected to an IV.
    I haven't had the energy to leave my room for a while after that. And I doubt I'll be touching my cart/pen for a while either. I think I'm too afraid that even 1 hit will send me back to that terrifying night.
    Sorry for the long comment. I don't know if anyone will even care to read this whole thing. I just wanted to let people know to BE CAREFUL.

  2. No you can't overdose on any natural recreational drugs…you will sleep far before overdosing…you will sleep and you will awake and you will smoke again… ๐Ÿ’ฏ Percent of such cases are cases of laced weed…not natural

  3. If yโ€™all never green out on your tree it bc yโ€™all donโ€™t have strong enough tree get some strong stuff and see how much yโ€™all can handle ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

  4. ive never experienced the red eyes except for the first time i had weed (had been given an edible and told it was a normal cookie) and greened out, i was high for 2 days ๐Ÿ˜ญ

  5. Cannabis has never had an overdose in the history of man. Not 1 person has overdosed
    Your body has what is called an endocannabinoid system it is impossible to overdose on Cannabis only thing that will happen if consumed too much is sleep or a little vomit that all o and hunger. So eat some good food and take a nape.

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