1. This hurts so much because I know how that dog feels because I have epilepsy (grand mal and absentee seizure). And I’m so sorry you and your dog have to go through that it really isn’t fun having it, my mom has told me that she pictures me dead at least 5 times a day when she is at work and I don’t reply to her messages, she also said that she almost called the police when all I did was fall back asleep.

  2. It's a hard fucking thing to see, my dad just passed three months ago and I own his dog now in which is like 15 years old in human years and he's an awesome dog I love him so much and like clock work once every other month around 2 am

  3. my dog had a seizure once and it was terrifying, it happened while i was on my vr and it was in a pretty enclosed room, since my dog was silly and i heard him bumping around i didnt think much of it until it sounded like he was running away from something, took my headset off and saw him down on the floor having a seizure, my ma was the only one who was calm and knew how to handle the situation while i was standing there terrified. This was about three months ago and he is recovering since we have him on seizure medicine and its working very well, he used to have seizures once every week and its been almost a month now since he hasn’t had one. Seizures dont necessarily hurt the dog but keep them away from things that can harm them, especially stairs and pools. Im used to him having seizures now so it isn’t as scary as it used to be. Again, he is doing great and is still a happy dog.

    just for extra information he does not have any of the issues as described in the video and he is basically idiopathic, and for the people who dont know what that means it means that it has no sort of cause, so it could most likely be in his genes.

  4. Damn that's horrible. It reminds me of when my girlfriend had one, I went in and held her head just before she was about to slam it into the concrete (she was sitting on a chair).

  5. I lost my cat to brain cancer, it’s horrible to watch these seizures. If you can still give them a good quality life that’s good, but if their quality of life gets heavily affected then please don’t prolong their suffering.

  6. My dog also has this but it only happens when he is under the bed or like some low closed space although he prefers to stay in such places…can anyone suggest why? It's been happening for almost two years now…we mostly keep him outside at the balcony and the seizer doesn't happen there at all…but he is used to living inside and cries but I can't really do anything 😭 btw I'm from India and keeping your dog outside is quite normal but still it hurts me everytime he cries because he also has separation anxiety 😭😭😭😭

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