DO We Hate It? 6 Weeks as a Carnivore – The Pros and Cons Unveiled

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  1. Howdy, my east Texas neighbors. I was wondering about your Biblical thoughts on bread. Exodus 16:31

    The people of Israel called the bread manna. It was white like coriander seed and tasted like wafers made with honey.

    Exodus 16:32
    Moses said, ā€œThis is what the Lord has commanded: ā€˜Take an omer of manna and keep it for the generations to come, so they can see the bread I gave you to eat in the wilderness when I brought you out of Egypt.ā€™ā€

    Exodus 16:33
    So Moses said to Aaron, ā€œTake a jar and put an omer of manna in it. Then place it before the Lord to be kept for the generations to come.ā€

    The Lord's Prayer says, "…give us this day, our daily bread."
    God put Adam and Eve in a garden, to supply all their needs.
    It seems that being carnivore is directly opposed to what these words are saying. I'm wondering what your position is on this, since being carnivore is seemingly a new extreme lifestyle. How do you correlate this lifestyle with the Bible? Maybe you can do a video about this, since this is the basis of your beliefs. -Blessings

  2. When ā€œtheyā€ say grocery store meat and butter are okay, itā€™s usually in context of budget and availability. Store bought beef is still better than pasta, bread, and sugar. Buy the best you can afford

  3. Back before refrigerators and electricity, one of the ways they used to store meat was to pack it in lard! Guess what? It increases the fat content and flavor of the meat when you're ready to unpack it and cook it . . . and I started using lard in my other cooking as well. I understand that the "leaf" lard from inside the pig (around the kidneys and inside the loin) is excellent for baking, although I don't do as much of that any more.

  4. Wow, grass-fed grass finished is ideal. Just eating grocery store meat, and that's all you can afford is far better than a standard american diet. Getting with a local Beef producer Will always be more advantageous.

  5. Hi yā€™all! Ron and I are going carnivore! We are ā€œketovoreā€ right now. August 1 we are going full Carnivore. šŸ¤ šŸ‘
    Iā€™ll NEED to get some more beef , FOR SURE!!!

  6. I've been making ice cream with my raw cream skimmed off my milk and I can say confidently that this recipe works great. This amount is good for my family of 7.
    9 pastured egg yolks
    3 cups of raw cream
    1 1/2 cups of milk
    1 cup of raw honey
    1 tablespoon vanilla
    1 generous pinch of celyon cinnamon
    1 generous pinch of sea salt
    Whip the yolks with the honey and mix in the other ingredients. Then just pop it into your ice cream maker.

  7. My husband, myself, and our 4 kids are carnivore. Weā€™ve been Keto since the beginning of the year. Weā€™ve been vegan in the past. We feel SO GOOD eating carnivore. My teenager told me the other day in the van that he isnā€™t tired anymore and he feels like he could run a marathon! And heā€™s active in construction with my husband. The boys have crazy stamina and donā€™t get hungry (ate breakfast and fished ALL DAY LONG and I had to call them in at dark for dinner). The girls dark circles are going away and they are gettin on along SO well (not that they didnā€™t before, but thereā€™s rarely ever a tif anymore).

    My husband is convinced that with what they are spraying out of the planes that the healthiest option right now is meat bc they at least have a liver to neutralize toxins and send them out of their body. This coming from a guy who HAD to have greens all the time. He feels amazing too.

  8. Iā€™ve been carnivore for 7 months and am loving it ā¤ Iā€™ve lost 50 pounds and am off anxiety/depression medication! I feel so good šŸ˜Š one day I hope to get out of the city to start a homestead šŸ„ I do have a few egg laying chickens in the meantime. Thanks for sharing!

  9. Hello beautiful mother & son! Iā€™m a carnivore too! Butā€¦canā€™t get my family on the carnivore diet! They like their carbs too muchā€¦so happy for you & your family! May God keep shining His light & love to you & yours! Yay!!!!!!!šŸ‘šŸ»

  10. I am a carnivore also and enjoy PETA- people eating tasty meat. However really appreciate the way that Wild Idea Buffalo Company field harvest their buffalo.The fact that the animal goes through NO Trauma either psychology or physical is HUGE. Would like to order some honey from you to support your precious family however do not order anything from a website šŸ˜‡ wish that I could order over the phone šŸ‘ God bless you and your precious loved ones dear saints šŸ™

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