Dragons Unsure On This Coffee Company's Unique Selling Point | SEASON 19 | Dragons' Den

London Noortropics founders, Zain Peer and Shez Shaikh are next to face The Dragons with their coffee business with a …


  1. One thing that always annoys me is Peter Jones spends his time talking to them just thinking of a smart quip to say.. This time it's the classic "you must have been drinking too much of you're own product" except.. Their product is coffee.. So if they were drinking it they would Infact have been faster at the topic he's pointing out.. What he said makes absolutely no sense. Swing and a miss.

  2. It’s cause you can’t do any online advertising on Google or social media about a CBD product, you could pay an influencer but CBD doesn’t have a good image and you automatically fall in the trap of “drug product”. So it is very difficult to market and grow

  3. Smooth talkers, 500k valuation based on sod all, full of marketing hot air mixed with the usual unproven and unsubstantiated health benefits…..I have seen the dragons rip onto pitches like this before..

  4. What’s the point of the glass in the middle of the elevator? Most likely the people coming in together have traveled together….. or spoken face to face before entering.

  5. It seemed to me that the two ladies weren't investing in the product but Zainy and Shaiky. I don't think we'll see this product on the shelves of ASDA, Sainsbury's, etc, any time soon!!

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