Easy trick how to open a childproof bottle/Tincture

Childproof tincture bottles can be hard to open especially if you have arthritis in your hands. Here is an easy trick to solve your …


  1. Does the tincture cap spin freely when brand new purchased or is there a seal on the cap that you break when you twist it open ( like a soda cap) ? Or a plastic safety seal of any sort? I'm looking into buying just want to know what to expect.

  2. Well it took me a few minutes. Wasn’t quite that straight forward. Shit was welded on. I wonder if the plastic melted a bit in the factory? Anyway it wasn’t childproof, it was Anyone Not Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson proof.

  3. Unfortunatly, most bottles of this type are going to have a bottom ring much weaker than the top, meaning that it will probably give way before the top 'pops' off like this. I'm not sure if the bottle in the video has a strong bottom ring or lid that's on more weakly than mine, but this didn't help me and I suspect will only help a few people out.

  4. no luck at all on my cap. Maybe I'm doing something wrong, but applying force from the bottom will not take the top off. Bent my butter knife pretty good tho. :

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