Fish oil and traumatic brain injury

One family claims fish oil helped their son recover from a traumatic brain injury. CNN’s Dr. Sanjay Gupta reports.


  1. Well, this is some good news to hear. I had a meningioma tumor removed from the right side of my brain. It was benign. With no signs of reoccurrence six months later. But three months after the surgery during my recovery and my left side of my brain started with some pressure numbness, and now, it’s turned into this massive cluster headache situation that’s affecting my neurology, nerves and the rest of my body. I’ll definitely be upping my fish oil to see if it helps with my neuropathy or nerve inflammation on the left side of my brain that’s causing all sorts of weird symptoms throughout my body due to the nerves being affected. I’m getting dizziness, pressure, numbness, feel like my throat is closing off, weakness, muscle paralysis, and stiffness. I’ve seen several neurologist after my surgery, and I’ve taken many MRIs and CT scans, along with an EEG test, with no results, showing any spread or reoccurrence, which is a good thing. But still having neurological damage after the surgery.

  2. 7 years ago I took 21 fish oils a day for 6 months to reverse congestive heart failure after reading someone post in a chat forum did that to reverse congestive heart failure & it also worked for me as well. Now I am taking 30 fish oils a day to repair & protect my brain because I am currently having mini strokes. With the first mini strokes I lost the ability to talk clearly & couldn’t remember many simple words & I also forgot my husband & youngest child’s name who live with me but I continued taking daily 30 fish oil capsules for my brain & my speech & memory recovered about 90% so far. I take 21 fish oil capsules in the morning and 7 to 10 fish oil capsules in the evening before I go to sleep every day.

  3. My 8 week old daughter suffered from Anoxic Brain injury. She was only in the NICU for two days before Doctors tried to push me into making a decision to take a brain dead test and 5 days later the same things. They said she would never recover and there was no hope. They gave her morphine on the third day of being in the hospital. I had to fight for her. Within 7 days she started to move and by the 12th day he open her eyes. She is now using a trach and g stube. Now I am trying medical treatment

  4. So in April 4 2020 I was in a motorcycle accident, severe tbi in a coma for 8 days, vocal cords paralysis, my voice is very "Breathy" right side weakness left side numbness. Eyes see double but prism glasses fixed That. I wonder would fish oils help now? Or is it too late?

  5. After suffering a brain injury in an MVA in 2005 I couldn’t talk, read, Speak without sounding like I had a massive stroke, impaired memory And damaged Valon centres in my brain as well as a broken vestibular which caused me to fall down anytime I will try to walk.Tears in my brain damage to the verbal processing and visual processing areas of brain. Developed endocrine disorder central diabetes insipidus and movement disorder called dystonia
    I also had to have 13 surgeries after the accident for all the other injuries sustained.

    I had done my PhD in Kinesiology/Expertise in Sport before that and 3 IronMan including the Iron Man world championships in Hawaii. I spent six years in bed 20 hours a day because my brain was just too overwhelmed to function. I was also a clinical dietitian and had been a brain researcher and neuroscientist to McMaster University for my first degree. So I started taking 9 g a day of fish oil and I was able to re-learn how to read talk,walk, run And be a mom again. I NEVER would’ve recovered without omega-3’s. And I later heard about Dr. Lewis and contacted him and we had a conversation about his work and this is true real science. Omega-3 can decrease the inflammation in the points to promote the healing for the
    Neuroplasticity to occur.

    After 11 years of treatment and high dose omega-3‘s and a very healthy diet I was able to run again and was blessed to be given the chance to do Mount Marathon and Alaska the hardest five came out and run in the world. I successfully and started and finished Something most people on earth would feel is impossible. When I was told two years in that I would never recover when I was still using a walker. Omega-3 therapy is hope. Hope that one day pain will end and life will begin again

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