1. You know i was told video games were violence and when i went there expecting a klan meeting, i got wholesome community of people. When I went to the gym expecting a reading of mein kampf, i found people of all types working on themselves and supporting each other. Hey leftwing media anymore racist areas i can check out? Maybe churches? maybe some other hobbies? I cant find these hangouts you guys seem to come across.

  2. Im watching this before going to the gym for the 4th time this week to do full body workout to build muscles for the reic-i mean my health……my health.

  3. Fitness can't be fascist. It's so far left, that if you even try to contribute plates on your barbell unevenly, then it'll try to kill you! Bring equality for every barbell in every gym!

  4. I don't know chief, I've been working out for a hot minute and don't see myself moving any farther to the right. I think they might just be full of shit….

  5. Honestly, ya when I'm in the gym the only thing that keeps me going is the idea that one day I will unite all germanic people under a greater German state. We shall achieve living space n stuff

  6. I try to ignore the news because of this kind of thing, so then I watch these videos and wonder WTF he's talking about, it can't possibly have happened, nobody could be that stupid… then I look it up and sure as spit, some idiot said every word he makes fun of. It's scary how spot on it is.

  7. I dont get it. Are MAGA hat donners fat and out of shape or do they work out a lot and show up others in their physical fitness? This is like when liberals try to say all the middle of the country is poor dumb red necks. Are conservatives rich or poor? Because as much as they make fun of trailer trash they also say we are all rich and evil and keep down the poor.

  8. That bit about the health benefits of working out only benefiting yourself and cannot be equitably distributed to each of those according to their need is more profound than it seems on the surface.

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