1. Seeing him this old and spry and saying cbd helped if not did beat his cancer. I can’t deny it. And being a lover and thc dabs and using cbd because I had to, he is right doesn’t really mess with my mind as much

  2. You’ve got to be kidding! I ordered and received the little bottles of good vibes & nice dreams combo, the 1 month supply today 1/30/23
    I paid $60 for it, and no instructions on the bottle as to how to take it. I had to look for help on YouTube. It seems to me that for this stuff to have any effect, one has to take it everyday. The 1 month supply of these 2 bottles is not gonna do the trick.
    I would have to buy more, and there’s what I was afraid of. Will try it later, but I can almost guarantee that by using it just once it’s not gonna make a difference 😡
    I probably just flushed $60 down the toilet, we’ll see 😢

  3. Tommy can take all his advertising and cbd shit and stick it up his ass, he was never a real actor, Cheech was the Man. Every where you go on the internet all you see is tommy chong CRAP.

  4. Tommy Chong doesn’t claim cbd cures cancer, this headline is misleading. He says it allows you to avoid the suffering that comes from cancer. It makes you feel better while being treated as well.

    There’s no evidence that it cures cancer and Tommy doesn’t claim that. It just has health benefits and makes ya feel better.

  5. Most doctors are not experts.
    I’ve had them google my diagnosed genetic condition in front of me.
    Most have no clue and in Australia where I live, despite medicinal cannibas being legal, there is so much red tape making it almost impossible to prescribe and even if they are, they don’t feel comfortable without having training which is difficult for them to do.
    When you do finally get it prescribed, we get the choice of oil only. No lineaments, no vape liquid, no edibles, no flower (bud) to smoke… etc. and definitely no nano CBD like Tommy Chong is endorsing.
    No one wants to get us citizens healthy here… they’d rather us support the pharmaceutical companies and die in pain and poor and suffer in the process.
    It’s fucked up, any way you look at it.
    Have you got room for one Aussie chick in the US? Lol 😂
    Tommy come save me!! 💚🌱💨✌️

  6. His products seem to be totally legit, nano technology for drops under the tongue is the way to go for cbd oil delivery and absorption for those consumers who don't want to smoke or vapor inhale it.

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