Hollidaysburg Delta-8 store owner arrested despite hemp being federally legal

Hollidaysburg Delta-8 store owner arrested despite hemp being federally legal.


  1. The funny thing is most of the products actually sold in the medical marijuana stores don't even have delta-9 THC in them or less than .3%. all of it is actually thca which is not a schedule 1 narcotic substance. That means most of the products sold even in the medical marijuana dispensary is actually considered hemp. Ironic how we have people thinking that most of the marijuana is actually illegal when it's federally not and they're still prosecuting people for that but even more extreme we have people prosecuting people for hemp legitimate hemp products… Pennsylvania State Police are a joke. They should focus more their time on the hardcore drugs they constantly let slip by everyone I would argue until all the hardcore drugs are off the street they shouldn't be wasting any time towards hemp or any other legal substances that aren't actually prosecutable…. Wasting my taxpayer dollars.

  2. Everybody knows the mafia runs the police in this state and they want their fair share…. Guy must have been cut into their profits too much, had to send the boys in… Crooked scumball power hungry gangsters. Don't get me wrong I absolutely hate the idea of Delta 8 THC products but I hate the destruction of our police force by gangsters thinking they can just make up laws and prosecute people out of thin air. They should be ashamed of themselves and go home and think about what they've done…. Lol #notamerica

  3. I live just north of Philly and we don't have any issues with it. It's completely legal and the cops around here don't care about it. The only problem they have is if you're using it and driving a vehicle. They can charge you with DUI.

  4. Man this makes me angry. Why dont our tax dollars go toward the real issues. We have homeless populations committing crime out in the open. We have these people wasting time and money going after this small business owner. This is bullshit and we can do better.

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