1. Finally , a video clip i can relate to, 57 also, BMI 25, daily exercise, and bang heart attack 3 months ago , I've. Tried n tried to figure what can i change??? Obviously on a range of meds since i survived and had a stent, following Dr. Esselstyn's videos advice, greens n balsamic, no belly fat, exercise, cut out oils, yet this is the video that i needed. Had a paternal grandmother that died from diabetes. I thought i was very healthy n was for my age, thanks for this great video. Must protect that endothelial layer at all costs. Thanks for sharing this information.

  2. I had high cholesterol since I was 20 I think am now 50 and they are telling me my cholesterol is probably hereditary. Thanks for explaining I didn’t find good explanations anywhere else

  3. Hilarious how you still don't have a clue after such an extensive work history in the field. Good effing grief, plant based, but salmon. Don't let animal based foods kill you.

    Hey doc ever consider that everything you've learned is boollshiit?

    My wife would fix you in no time, but it would turn your entire world upside down. Never mind the humility of following the advice of a ND quack.

  4. guys you can get all the plaque out of your arteries in 2 to 3 months with cardarine also known as GW501516 this is “exercise in a bottle” it is an old Glaxosmithkline compound that was shelved for supposedly causing cancer in a rat cancer which did not affect the life of the rat or the life span cardarine has never caused cancer in a human and has been used by athletes bodybuilders etc for years we know it works amazingly because it is banned by usada and wada lol it not only clears plaque from the arteries but i also used it to save people’s lives who were given remdesivir during covid it repairs lung damage and increases cardiovascular capabilities and endurance. It works to eliminate bad mitochondria and replace them with healthy mitochondria it has so many other benefits i have used it to get rid of two mildly collapsed lungs an enlarged heart and enlarged spleen and with ALA alpha lipoic acid healed my stage 4 renal failure and now it is stage 1 with elimination of 5 kidney stones in left and 4 in right kidney all gone now also used it in combination with L-glutamine and bpc157 to get rid of diverticulitis IBD and Chrohns

  5. I am a learning herbalist. Every big pharma pill out there has an equivalent herbal and/or mineral blend that works better than those pills. Many herbalists have written recipes for herbs and blends that work. You don't build resistance and little or no side effects when used properly in many cases. I have created blends for different things in place of the doctors pills. So, I'm 73, blood clots in both legs, crohn's, cancer survivor, yada, yada. I've been taking 500mg magnesium to help with my muscle cramps, 600mg krill oil to help with relief from my arthritis pain. A few more minerals to help with other issues of mine. So, I watched this video, I don't remember whose but. My blood pressure had risen to about 166/90, pretty regularly. Doc wanted to put me on meds. I put him off. I tried meditation. Being a computer geek/nerd, that's not easy to do with much impact. So, I found this video. The speaker talked about a way to decrease blood pressure. He cites meager statistics about what studies have shown. The info intrigued me. So, for two months, I make a morning shake. Blueberries or strawberries and banana, cup or more of 2% milk, cup of vanilla ice cream, and two heaping tablespoons of FLAX SEED POWDER. Last week, I had a follow-up with my doctor and BP was 130/80 – evidently this is the new normal. But I'd like to get back to 120/70. I'm not saying that this is some magic cure-all. It works for me.
    What I am wondering about is the NIACIN. Years ago I was taking this and there were warnings about side effects when taking over 500mg. The suggestion was to switch to NIACINIMIDE, which is a synthetic derivative that does the same without side effects.
    I recognize about the Omega-3 in the salmon. I just want to know about the NIACINIMIDE.
    Here's my question: Would NIACINIMIDE have the same effect as NIACIN to help reduce plaque also.

  6. Appreciate your thorough & detailed explanation of an artery and plaque

    1/2 ounce to ounce = Olive oil & cayenne pepper 1/8 teaspoon progressing to 1/2 ounce (shot glass) 3 times a day will improve arteries & blood flow. Plus flax seed & chia seeds will give omega fatty acids. I eat NO flesh!

    I have a significant cardiovascular family history (material grandmother – brain stem aneurysm, mother high BP, diabetes, maternal side uncle – heart attack, father suffered right-side stroke @ 71)

    I had a stroke (right carotid tear after DENTAL work) 11 years ago. I am on NO medications whatsoever.

    IMO – Statins are a big no-no on many levels – it's a big pharma cash cow…

  7. Thanks to YTB and you, doctor, for giving me some hope. A month ago my heart specialist (in Europe) told me (when having a preventive check-up, I am 70) that I have (the beginnings of) plaque and that there's absolutely nothing I can do about it, not even diet (I don't smoke, don't drink). I suppose he thinks it's genetic. But now, at least, I can give it a try and see what happens. Thanks again! Will watch your video again, it is so very interesting and practical, yet well-informed, exactly what I always ask from doctors and never get (only vague generalisations and the verdict: worry or don't worry, but no specifics!). He did prescribe Suvezen BTW, but I haven't taken it so far. (You mentioned another brand.)

  8. Thank you so much just found out I have 70 % blockage in one and 40% in two others so a stent was recommended I will now have a little better diet no increase in exercise as already very active age 76.

  9. Come on, we've known for years that cholesterol doesn't cause heart attacks, get caught up on the current research, doc. Vitamin k2 all the way! Wake up people

  10. Oh man,,ive had high blood pressure for 15 years,,over 10 different lowering medication over this time scale… Plus asprin(75mg) plus Propanol,my blood pressure at the beginning was 100/180..

  11. The key is simple it’s ensuring Vitaminn K(2) in conjunction with Vitamin D(3). This ensures the calcium goes to the bones and not the arteries leading to calcification and plaque. Vitamin K(2) can be sourced naturally from Natto Japanese fermented soy product. Goose liver/duck liver/chicken liver as well as other hard cheeses and artisan cheeses.

  12. Highly processed oils are the main culprit in the laying down as you call it, of LDL. They gunk up the whole cardiovascular system as we consume them over time..

  13. I haven't taken care of myself…. I'm 57. I just had a heart scan done. I failed miserably. My score came back 626. They say 400 is real bad. I will be making a Dr. appointment. Any advise.

  14. @prevmedhealth my dad died of a fully blocked heart at 59 so I can’t wait till then to get on statins or start testing my blockage. Should I get the CIMT or a more accurate test like calcium score to see if I am building plaque. I have A1c of 5.2 even when I eat 400 carbs a day to bulk and gain muscle and I have a six pack around 12-15% body fat. I eat 2lbs of meat plus 2-3lbs of veggies and 200 carbs a day when maintaining at 175lbs 5”10.

    I have Apoe 3/4 or 4/4 and try to focus on chicken breasts to and non Sat fat.

  15. What he did: Starting from 9:50

    Ate salmon every day for omega-3's.
    Started taking niacin.
    Started taking an ACE inhibitor for anti-inflammatory effect.
    Started taking statins (low dose of Crestor).

    He did not mention whether he swapped to statins from ACE inhibitors or began taking them simultaneously.

  16. Every once in a while my BP is 95/62 +-. At a former height Bp 76 year old on low carb, I feel good. Statins made me feel like I have Parkinson’s (shaking and clumsy) now I ride my electric Unicycle just fine, also walk a lot.

  17. I lowered my blood pressure from moderately hypertensive 145/95 (on average) to 118/75 (on average) just by switching to a Whole Foods plant based diet. No need for those drugs unless you don’t want to give up the foods causing it.

  18. I had an angiography 2 weeks ago

    Coronary angiography:

    Left main stem unobstructed.

    Left coronary artery:

    70% stenosis of prox. RIVA, 50% stenosis of prox. RIM.

    70% stenosis of LCX – Proximal. 70% stenosis of Mid.LCX

    Right coronary artery:

    80% stenosis of dist. RCA. 70% stenosis of med RCA.


    1. coronary triple barrel disease.

    – Coronary angiography elective with diagnosis of CHD on cardiac CT on 13.07.2023:

    – Sign. proximal RIVA stenosis.

    – RCX with long wall changes and sign. Stenoses proximal and in the middle section

    – RIM with intermediate stenosis proximally

    – RCA diffuse wall-angulated with sign. Stenoses proximal and distal

    – Lavographically normal LVEF. no reg. motility impulses

    – Cardiac CT in advance (Chur) with electrically path. Ergometry: diagnosis of CHD, Ca-score >1000

    – CyRF: Art. Hypertension

    Assessment: The 47-year-old patient is found to have quite advanced coronary three-vessel disease for his age with significant stenoses in the proximal RIVA, RCX and RCA. Stenoses in the proximal RIVA, RCX and RCA. The vessels have diffuse wall changes, but the connecting segments for an ACBP would be relatively small. The LVEF is normal. I discussed the findings with the patient at length and told him that the findings were not suitable for percutaneous revascularization. With the patient completely symptom-free, we decided to perform a cardiac MRI with a question about the extent of ischaemia. Then we discussed ACBP vs. drug therapy. In addition to the established medication, I prescribed atorvastatin and bisoprolol.

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