Is It Safe To Use Cannabis When Pregnant or Breastfeeding?

Learn more about research on the effects of cannabis use during pregnancy and breastfeeding. To receive more support, get your …


  1. Not going to take any advice from someone who uses the idiotic phrase “pregnant people”. You know, as a doula, that creating life is the most amazing thing that humans can do and only women can do that – why try and minimise that? soooo progressive.

  2. I smoked through two pregnancies and breastfed while using.
    Both my kids seemed fine but as adults they are definitely not fine!
    Both have mental health issues. I have no clue if my using marijuana effected them because these things do run in my family.
    However it’s ALWAYS in the back of my brain. Always wondering if I caused this. The guilt is awful. Not worth it! If I could do it over I wouldn’t have smoked weed.

  3. Thank you for the video. I'm a medical cannabis patient and I just barely found out I'm pregnant with my third baby spontaneously after 8 years of infertility. I want to do what's best for this baby, but I don't want to risk going back to having hemiplegic migraines for days at a time, multiple times a month. Complicating factor is if my prescribing doctor for my cannabis finds out I'm pregnant they legally have to revoke my card during the pregnancy.

    It all sucks and there's no way around that in my state. I'm close to Colorado, but then I'm breaking federal law and risking my medical card permanently.
    I understand that we don't have good data yet, but it's been especially frustrating because I have a measured calculated dose I take at specific times, I'm willing to sign up for a monitoring study if it benefits people who take this for medicine.

  4. I'm just curious 🤔 cause I no many women whom stated their doctor gave them antibiotics during most of the pregnancy….smh when that's not natural and is made with chemicals scientifically. How ever weed or marijuana a natural plant that's been here for over decades and many people use it but yet 🤔 some safe its not safe and other say it is lol so why us a plant that's edible like parsley flakes basil leaves excetera are safe but marijuana isn't but antibiotics that scientifically invented is used during pregnancy it just doesn't make sense

  5. Have you heard of Québec's recent legislation actually confiscating parental authority in situations where some other authority decides of a child's "best" interest? … Sorry if i can't be more specific, not to mention it's not even garanteed the law got also published in english, since it's about cannabis…

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