Is medical marijuana good for business in Kentucky?

Despite the hope of getting everything set up before medical marijuana can be grown, bought, and sold in Kentucky in 2025 — the …


  1. Don't want malicious people making money off it or perhaps using it to manipulate others? Decriminalize it rather than legalize it to be regulated to death and let people grow their own, then you know both what goes into your medicine and you bear the responsibility for how it is used or who uses it. Keep government OUT of my garden and my home, shouldn't no one be going to prison for a weed and they shouldn't even need to pay for it, it should be as simple as asking a nearby friend for Tylenol.

  2. Seeing what Michigan and Colorado do and how it affects their economy there is no downside to this as long as we can keep it not in big pharma companies hands. Keep it affordable not let politicians get their hands on it.

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