1. So sorry, Kimberly but this video was a miss, for me. (didn't match the thumbnail).
    I e., seed oils don't really have a whole lot to do with unexplained weight-gain, imho. – especially for menopausal women – its so much more complicated than consuming seed oils.

    Otoh – your positive mention of TSOF film was a big hit. Thanks for bringing attention to this hideous state of affairs to your subs.👍

    A much needed PSA surrounding this unfathomable issue happening right under our noses here in the good old USA😒

  2. I saw this movie and was moved to tears. As you mentioned it is horrific to imagine that our country is the #1 consumers of the brutal abuse of precious children. I also saw the Tim Pool interview. Thank you for bringing this to your viewers' attention.

  3. My husband and myself went to see it last Sunday! I swear it is a must see! It was well done and was hard to watch at times. My 6’4” 210 pound former marine husband even was in tears at times in the movie. It’s pure evil and needs to STOP!

  4. We need specific brands of these good oils or else this information is not going to help. We have known for a while that some olive oils are not what they seem. I need more information as to what brands are legit!

  5. I follow the work of Dr Esselstyn, he says no oil not one drop. Also Dr. McDougall, Dr Dean Ornish Dr Gregor and many more all say no oil. Plants whole plants are the best for your health, disease prevention. The study’s all show eating whole plants, you are looking after the earth, compassion for all creatures, and great health

  6. Thank you for talking about the "Sound of Freedom!!!" We need to get the message out and wake people up!!
    There are so many other interviews with Tim Ballard and Jim Caviezel.

  7. Fantastic movie…. Hope and pray it moves us all to action!
    By the way…. I love your hair the way you are wearing it today! Love the carefree, casualness of it! More please! —I also love it a tad more “styled”, as is generally how we see you. Not much difference, overall, between the two, but the vibe reads more difference than there probably really is! One way or the other, they BOTH are fantastic! Versatility is a good thing!

  8. Thank you ladies bringing all this to our attention. I’m so thankful I have been using extra virgin oil when I need oils without even knowing all this information. But I am more aware of hidden seed oils, thank you. You both look so healthy and beautiful. I have heard about the movie but haven’t seen it yet but surely will.

  9. Thanks for this. All of it. I've been pretty good at using stable oils for a number of years now but really good to hear about how the oils–omega 3, 6, and 9 need to balance out. Like the both of you, I have my occasional treat, what ever that might be (Smartfood popcorn), and get back in line the next day. Love to hear from Connie again. Please bring her back. 🙂

  10. Great topics but something very strange with the sound . It was a bit muffled and seemed like there was someone else in the room beside you trying not to cough. Just an fyi .

  11. Some are saying Carlos Slim helped to finance that movie. And Slim is tight with the Clintons. It's so hard to know what to believe in this upside down world.

  12. It’s malicious of Rockefeller because he also took natural herbal remedies and created the man-made version called drugs. If I pick my poison, I will still wear my makeup 💄 always.

  13. As a pescatarian who leans toward dairy free (my son is vegan), I appreciate this information (especially about inflammation & seed oils) but will never go back to animal fats (personal choice, no judgement ever to anyone’s choices). Thank you for this informative session !!

  14. Is there a way to see our own Omega 3/6/9 ratios? I would hate to supplement and make the ratios off more! WFPB vegan (no oil 90/10 cashews, flax, avocados, yes please!) 67 years young.

  15. Such wonderful info. We have been transforming our household step by step and always adding a little more clean or organic for the past couple years. Recently I added the ION to our house. I even added it for our pets. We have even been cleaning up their diet. My Yorkie, Socrates, is already feeling better I think and he was fine but I see improvements in him too.

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