Joe Rogan and Neuroscientist Dr Huberman blow your mind about Weed and How it affects Brain and Body

Dr. Andrew D. Huberman is an American neuroscientist and tenured associate professor in the Department of Neurobiology at the …


  1. Here is a message I sent to a chain of dispensaries in Vancouver, Washington (just across the Columbia river from Portland, Oregon).This is the horrible truth of how it is here. If you enjoy smoking weed, stay away from this God forsaken place. You have been warned. I am NOT kidding. Hate to have to ask this, but do you rip people off like the dispensaries in the Portland area do? They sell weed with what gets you high removed. Not sure what they do, but it's as if all of the Kief is removed from the buds before they sell it. All of the weed I smell people smoking in town smells like shit, and it's as if nobody notices. I see hippies and people that look like hardcore stoners smoking and seemingly enjoying this crap. I have tried resorting to buying weed on the street because I always get ripped off from the dispensaries, but it is always bunk too. I ask if it is from a dispensary first, that it is crap, and they will claim it isn't. I go to smell it, and sure enough, it's the same stuff that usually has no smell at all. "Break up the bud, you gotta break up the bud first to smell it" said one guy, so I do and smell NOTHING. I know what weed smells like, I am not stupid. I have smoked it for many years, and used to grow it myself. I hope to hear back from you in a positive way, that weed in Washington isn't the same crap that is in the Portland area. Something really fucked up is going on here, and I'm hoping like hell this isn't a national problem. I have gone online to warn people in other states looking to legalize to be careful, to maybe even reconsider making it legal, that they may regret it. I noticed on your website you plan to sell in other states too, so I am hoping you are legit. This shit sucks, I haven't had or even smelled any good weed in over a year. The same thing has happened to the coffee in the Portland area (as far away as Hood River). It has been corrupted somehow, seemingly the oils and caffeine are removed, so it doesn't taste good, smell good, or get you energized. Thanks, hope to hear from you that this must just be an Oregon problem.

  2. Joe rogan always have an excuse when it's the matter of weed. No weed can make you smarter or creative and any positive impact by it, it can only make you slothy and paranoia, stupid, the worst thing you can do to yourself is smoking weed, this is what I've experienced in my 5years span of weed addiction, now I'm completely became clean non smoker and it feels fantastic.

  3. I’m ADHD as fuck and weed is the best medication for it I’ve found. I have a VERY technical job and I find myself having a harder time focusing on small details of the project when I’m not high vs when I am I can dive deep and see every aspect of the project 😊 at the same time though if I’m not disciplined I can turn into a potato. It depends

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