My experience accessing medical cannabis in Australia

Have you ever wondered what it’s like accessing medical cannabis in Australia? I explain my journey through the medical …


  1. Dry herb vape, if you don't have to drive. It's no worse than having a glass or two of wine. Vape-able street weed is half the price of the stuff big pharma is charging in Australia, but it's still illegal, and soon, to protect the profits of the corporate parasites and over entitled GPs, i expect punishment for illegal weed will become truly draconian. Today, because of the profits and tax revenue the state makes off of tobacco, sentences for illegal tobacco are draconian, way harsher than those for cannabis, and have been for well over a lifetime now. Medical marijuana is a terrible, terrible thing, that will make parasites richer, Aussies poorer and land self medicating working class Aussies in courts and prison.
    Legalise it! That is the ONLY correct response to the question of cannabis.

  2. Medical marijuana is for rich people; yuppies. Like mental health care and dental. Not most people, not ordinary Australians. They can get the benefits without the risk and criminalisation working class Australians are forced into by the corruption that is prohibition and the greed of doctors and big pharma. Instead of decriminalising marijuana, the corrupt government has set up their GP and Big Pharma mates with an obscene cash cow at public expense. You yuppies and suckers pay TWICE as much for your weed as self medicating and recreational consumers buying illegally on the street do. And that's after being RIPPED OFF hundreds and hundreds of dollars jumping through worthless and arbitrary hoops erected for and by the greedy and sociopathic gatekeepers of legal marijuana use. The legal growers are massively greedy and despicable parasites, as are the corrupt politicians keep marijuana criminalised and delivering and protecting gravy trains to their business mate at community expensive. Medical Marijuana is nothing more than a cop out and con, yet another example of the endless downward class war that is Australian society. Decriminalise it. Legalise it. Stuff the is cynical, evil, regressive Medical marijuana con and rort.

  3. Easiest med to get on personally hade two 5 min phone consultations and had my script in my inbox within 30 min good qaulity weed made easy they just want to rush poeple through and get to the next no background or medicare check bit more expensive than sourcing it yourself but gets you stoned as all hell

  4. Thank you for this.

    Iโ€™ve been on Ketamine touchรจ for a few years now.
    Iโ€™m looking at changing over to Cannabis. Learning the ways it comes and what you have been through has educated me.

  5. You are very easy to listen to and Thankyou for making this video. Iโ€™ve just also been approved for medical cannabis at alternaleaf. Your video helped me speak to doctor as I also have a very low tolerance to thc and so I referenced your video ๐Ÿ™‚ Iโ€™ve been given a few different scripts and the mighty medic vape, the company for the scripts is called circle labs. Very expensive, hope itโ€™s worth it. Fingers crossed

  6. cant wait till the BS driving laws get updated in this backward country. How is it that 6 years after legalization there is no fkn driving defense for it. people aren't stupid. seems to be a war against citizens who don't want to turn into pharma junkies. Btw im loving having MC for insomnia! haha

  7. I'm Australian and just got the 100:1mg cbd oil with 1%THC and I've smoked pot once in my life , thought I was gonna die ..

    I got the drops from doctor . And I've taken .50mg and I can barley feel a thing . My oil is from little green pharma .
    Doctors don't know what there doing..

  8. Thank you for giving such an informative review. I really appreciate how in depth you were with the entire process! I did my initial consult today for anxiety and ADHD, fingers crossed ๐Ÿคž๐Ÿฝ

  9. Well, you certainly do have a low tolerance to THC. Looking at that though you've spent just under $600 for what about 6 weeks at your dosage? $100 pw absolutely out of reach for those on disability or any pension actually then we have to add in the consult fees and follow-up fees which you did not mention at the start regarding your experience seeing a Medical Cannabis DR. Also would have been helpful to point out how frequent were your follow-up appointments, how much are you charged for obtaining a new script etc., then discussing your overall expenditure and what ongoing costs you have to maintain to give ppl a clearer picture of what to expect.
    With the green market I've been on 40mg pd raw CBD paste and 100mg THC oil for cancer treatment, sometimes 1g pd flower of unknown strain or strength๐Ÿ˜‚ it's still expensive but it seems far more expensive to sustain going legit. Thank you though I enjoy the vids Hinterland put out and their newsletter.

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