New medical marijuana bills introduced in Kansas Legislature

Lawmakers recently introduced a couple of new bills in the legislature with the goal of getting some type of legislation approved.


  1. As a disabled vet who has been patiently waiting 18 years for Topeka to do SOMETHING about getting us access without threat of imprisonment, I’m done waiting. With Missouri now legislating common sense, that’s where we’re headed. Good luck Kansas, maybe one day you guys will allow access to a plant. Until that day, may more tax dollars leave this state πŸ‘ πŸ‘

  2. Red legs, jayhawk pride. kansas liberal marxists. You legalize pre meditated murder of babies growing inside their mother's womb, yet to smoke a plant, grow a plant, will lead to prison and ruined life. Thousands of people travel out of state to find healing and medicine for the soul, while thousands more come from out of state to have their babies murdered legally. I'm glad I'm not part of your idealistic world.

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