New medical marijuana drive-thru dispensary first in central Ohio

New medical marijuana drive-thru dispensary first in central Ohio. Stay informed about Columbus and central Ohio news, weather …


  1. That’s a great way to get ripped off. When Covid came, I lived in CO. The dispensary’s began a curbside service. That’s when the weed got terrible. They’ll put whatever in there and call it whatever. Good way to get rid of old product. Pfft I ain’t stupid

  2. Ww need legalization but also what about the Social Equity programs for the demographics that suffered for use and trafficking of Marijuana during war on drugs.Give those people justice to recover from what destroyed their communities and now we know it wasn't the weed because it's medicine…

  3. sad to see all that main brand shit getting all the sales! Change the laws so true pots can one run/ own there own store ! And allow people other than ones with money to apply to grow! I live in MD and was turned down cuz I had a weed charge when I was younger! 8 years ago when I got out of jail there was a weed store buy my house! But I just did a year for that and now I can never work at one let alone own one!!!!!! I tried applying before I got in trouble and they wanted 250,000 to get on a list and they told me only 10 would be picked from the list that the 250,000 just gets ur name on the list that's it!!!! If you look at the ten that got picked they all started big ass companys in other places and simply just changed there name so no one would be the wiser!! Lets the people run this shit not the Government or States!!!

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